Natural Biostimulators For Plants Growing And Development

Natural biostimulators for plants growing and development. The relevance. Do any gardener don‘t want to be rid of chemicals. Depending on the. Hypothesis. With the help. Objects. Aloe vera. Preparation of leaf extracts. Aloe vera- we. Experiment. Determination of the. №-1 Aloe vera №-2 Urtica dioica №-3 Allium cepa №-4 Honey №-5 Water (ControlResult. Investigated solutions of coals influence the germination of seeds. Experimental procedure Sprouted shoots in water were placed in containers for germination. Day. Day. Length of shoots (сmAs a result. Measurements of the. Length of cucumber roots (сmConclusions of the study. Not all natural. The least effective. Allium cepa. Thank you for your attention! ! !
Do any gardener don‘t want to be rid of chemicals, nitrates and other harmful substances of her own grown vegetables? Having studied scientific data on the influence of external and internal factors on the growth and development of plants, it was found that plant growth regulators are physiologically active compounds of synthetic or natural origin capable of causing small changes in the growth and development of plants in small quantities.
Depending on the composition, all biostimulators of plant growth can be divided into groups: 1)natural 2)chemical If it is chemical, you can buy it in shops, but natural biostimulators you can handmade.
With the help of biostimulants can influence such processes as: Growth of rhizomes Increase the number of crops Control of root crop germination. Therefore, we decided to investigate how natural biostimulants act on the growth and development of plants?
Aloe vera- we cut off the leaves of aloe, then put it in the fridge for 4 days, and then insist water and leaves for 7 days Urtica dioica -took dried nettle and poured it boiling water and insisted a solution of 7 days. Allium cepa - took onion husks and poured boiling water, and insisted 7 days.
- Biology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1879 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 16 pages (796 words)
- Gymnasium
- Daniil