
2 Which mood represents the real facts? Which mood represents unreal facts?
3 Why is the use of the Subjunctive and Suppositional moods determined?
a) Simple sentences that have one S-P : I drink coffee.
Causative-consecutive coordination connects clauses in such a way that one of them denotes a reason and the other – consequence. Connectors: the conjunctions for, so, so that and the conjunctive adverbs therefore, hence, then, thus. We left in silence, for there was so little to talk about.
7. What is the difference between ‘-ing’ forms in English?
The difference between the two lies in their syntactic functions performed in the sentence and non-verbal combinability. The gerund, possessing some nominal features, basically acts in the sentence as subject or object. Participle I is never found in this function, unless substantivized. When used as an attribute or an adverbial modifier, the gerund like a noun is always preceded by a preposition thus performing a prepositional attribute or adverbial modifier while participle I like an adjective or an adverb is never preceded by a preposition. As complement gerund identifies the subject revealing its meaning while participle I gives qualifying information about the subject. His favourite hobby is collecting stamps. (gerund). His collection of stamps is amazing. (participle I). When the two forms are used as an attribute the difference between them lies not only in the use of the preposition but also in their relationship to the modified noun. The gerund usually reveals the meaning (purpose) of the noun while participle I denotes an action performed by the noun modified . I need some writing paper. (gerund) What is the name of that man standing in the corner? (participle I).
8. What characterizes the Gerund , the Infinitive, Participle I and Participle II (form, meaning, functions)?
9. What are the means of expressing obligation in English?
TO HAVE – express obligation or necessity imposed by circumstances .Can have all the necessary tense forms as well ar the verbals. Interrogative and negative forms are built by means of the aux. verb TO DO. What a pity you have to go now. Why do I have to do the cleaning?
10. What are the means of expressing necessity in English?
Need is a defective verb in Present Tense. Need expresses necessity. Negative and interrogative sentences reference is made to the present or future and followed by simple infinitive. Need I repair it? In interrogative sentences need suggests no necessity of performing the action. In negative sentences need isn’t the only one in negative form, elsewhere negation may be found. I don’t think we need to give any more of sweets. With perfect need expresses an action which has been unnecessary performed. You needn’t have done shopping. The fridge is full. Necessity is also expressed by have (has) got to. He has to do do it.
- Psichology Notes
- Microsoft Word 31 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 6 pages (3520 words)
- Aleksandras