Millau Bridge Essay

Millau bridge essay.
In the 1987 the first sketches of the route were drawn, to link the north and the south. Four routes were put forward to cross the Tarn Valley: a “Great East“, a “Great West“, a route “near the N9 trunk road“ and “median“ option, also located in the West of Millau.
The earthworks were completed in just a few weeks. By spring 2002, the first piers of the Millau Viaduct were rising skywards. At the same time, the abutments were begun in the Causses. Twelve month after work began, the second pier (P2) went above 100-metre mark. One year later, on the 9th of December 2003, the concrete work was completed. And the record for the highest pier in the world was set at 245 metres.
Assembling the steel deck began in the summer of 2002. Two open-air site were set up just behind the abutments. On the 25th of February 2003, the first section of deck measuring 171 metres was successfully driven out into mid-air. Seventeen others followed, at an average rate of one rolling out every four weeks. On 28 May 2004, the north and south sections of the deck were joined together at a height of 270 above the Tarn.
At the end of September, the surface was laid on the deck. The final road surface, installation of safety system, lighting, the finishing touches to the tollgates. And finally on the 16th of December 2004 the Viaduct began accepting traffic.
- Real Estate Essays
- Microsoft Word 22 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 5 pages (1285 words)
- College
- Alfredas