Market Structure

Market Structure. (Rinka) The market. (Rinkos rūšys) Species. (Tobula konkurencija) Perfect competition - Many buyers and sellers. (Oligopolija) Oligopoly - The large market share is owned by several large companies. (Monopolija) The monopoly is one vendor. (Monopolinė konkurencija)Monopolistic Competition. Market mechanism criticism. Market examples. In a Nutshell. Market Structure.
(Tobula konkurencija) Perfect competition - Many buyers and sellers, easy to access information about market processes.
(Oligopolija) Oligopoly - The large market share is owned by several large companies, but manybuyers.
(Monopolija) The monopoly is one vendor, but many buyers, who are priced dictated by the monopolist.
Monopsony is one buyer, many suppliers of goods. Twin - two vendors, many buyers. DuPhone - Two buyers, many sellers. The market can be local (regional), national and international.
The market mechanism is criticized for weakening competition as the main controlling and regulating mechanism: Companies seek to maximize their potential profits in an effort to avoid competition, and seek collusion, mergers. Competition is being reduced by technical progress in society. New technologies require high levels of financial capital, resources, and therefore production is in the hands of large companies.
Electricity market Financial market Free market Black market.
- Marketing Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 163 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 13 pages (1122 words)
- College
- Laura