Literature (3)

200 documents
Jacqueline Wilson Book „Best friend“ slides
Best Friends. Jacqueline Wilson. About the author. Jacqueline Wilson was born in 1945 on 17th December. Plot. They born on. One day Gemma finds out that Alice has a secret. My favorite characters. Gemma’s dad drives. My favorite scene. ...
Literature, 12 pages
2020 04 07
Joyce Hannam „Christmas in Prague“ book presentation
Christmas in Prague. About book author The book author Joyce Hannam is an exprienced teacher and lecturer. Joynce Hannam is married to a musician and has one young daugher. Main character. Jan is Carol. Summary. In a house in Oxford three people ...
Literature, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Kindheitserfahrungen in der litauischen Literatur
Kindheitserfahrungen in der litauischen Literatur.
Literature, 2 pages
2020 04 21
Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy. The russian novelist. Leo Tolstoy was born in 1828 at Yasnaya Polyana. It was to. He flopped at. He got married. Leo grew very long beard, became a fitness fanatic. Tolstoys first great novel was “War and Peace” published in. By ...
Literature, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Libraries slides
Introduction. Monastery of San Francisco Library – Lima, Peru. Mafra National Palace Library – Mafra, Portugal. Bibliotheca Alexandrina – Alexandria, Egypt. St. Florian Monastery Library – Sankt Florian, Austria. Clementinum National ...
Literature, 19 pages
2021 03 16
Literature essay: Characteristics of Slunk and Priscus in Kristijonas Donelaitis Poem „The Year“
Literature essay: Characteristics of Slunk and Priscus in Kristijonas Donelaitis Poem „The Year“.
Literature, 2 pages
2019 01 21
Marco Polo presentation
Marco Polo. What he is known for. Marco’s Book. Marco polo timeline. Marco Polo Timeline. Mapof marco polo’s travels. His Impact. Did Marco Polo really make it to China? What's Going On. What’s Going On. Impact on Today. Sources.
Literature, 16 pages
2021 03 15
Mary Shelley „Frankenstein“ presentation
Mary Shelley „Frankenstein“. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was an English novelist. Shelley started writing the story when she was. Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein grew. When the creature. Creature was scared of what he had created and ran ...
Literature, 12 pages
2019 11 04
Mein idol
Um dem musikgeschichtlichen Stellenwert des siebten Kindes der Familie Joseph Jackson gerecht zu werden, kann man entweder brav chronologisch Edelmetall-Auszeichnungen auflisten oder den absoluten Höhepunkt seines Schaffens mit einem Superlativ ...
Literature, 2 pages
2020 04 09
Merry Poppins book presentation
Presentation of my favourite book Pamela Travers “Mary Poppins”. Banks family. Mrs. Brill. Ellen. Robertson AY. The new nanny. MAry Poppins. Was loved by The kids.
Literature, 15 pages
2019 09 27
Money, greed, and empathy in two Russian short stories: Ivan Bunin „The Gentleman from San Francisco“ and Alexander Pushkin „The Queen of Spades”
Money, greed, and empathy in two Russian short stories: Ivan Bunin „The Gentleman from San Francisco“ and Alexander Pushkin „The Queen of Spades”.
Literature, 7 pages
2019 12 04
Monologue about books
Hello everyone my name is Jokūbas and today I got a topic about books which is not my cup of tea. I personally don’t like reading them, but there are some books that I enjoyed in my past. My speech will be divided into 3 parts. 1st part will ...
Literature, 1 page
2022 03 31
Monologue: A good book
Today’s topic is a good book. There are many people that love reading books and many different opinions are out there on the topic which aspects make a good book. As the statistical data depicts, 80% of respondents think that story line is what ...
Literature, 2 pages
2021 05 28
My favourite author slides
My favourite author. Statement No. James Agustine Aloysius Joyce was an expatriate author in Ireland of the 20th century. The best – known his novel is “Ulysses” and “Finnegans Wake”. “Ulysses” is conside- red. “Finnegans Wake” ...
Literature, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Presentation about Albert Camus „The myth of sisyphus“
Albert Camus. The smiling Sisyphus. Significant Events. The Myth of Sisyphus. Themes of Albert Camus. The Absurd. Revolt. The Outsider. Guilt and Christianity. Innocence vs. Paganism. Individual vs. History and Mass Culture. SuicideDeath Penalty. ...
Literature, 15 pages
2020 02 14
Presentation about Albert Camus „The Stranger“
Introduction to The Stranger. By Albert Camus. Albert Camus – Background. (1913-1960). Born in Algiers Father. Where is Algeria? Background continued. Married at. Camus turned to. Followed numerous other novels Camus received the Nobel Prize ...
Literature, 10 pages
2020 02 14
Presentation of Kafka's book metamorphosis
Presentation of Kafka's book metamorphosis.
Literature, 1 page
2021 06 10
Presentation of the book „David Copperfield” Written by Charles Dickens
Presentation of the book “David Copperfield”. Written by Charles Dickens About writer. Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social critic. David Copperfield, is the eighth novel by Charles Dickens. Characters. David ...
Literature, 11 pages
2018 11 26
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen. Her novels. About the novel origins. The Title. Setting. Major/minor protagonist/antagonist dynamic/static round/flat. Structure. Narrator. Conflicts. Stylistic devices which were used in the novel (Semantic). ...
Literature, 17 pages
2018 01 09
Raquel Jaramillo book „Wonder“ review
Wonder. B. Content. History of the. History of the book. R j. About Author. Raquel Jaramillo (born July. Plot. My opinion. Well, In my opinion this book is one of the best I have read. Favourite quotes. "It's not enough to be friendly. Thanks ...
Literature, 10 pages
2020 12 18
Readers of fiction essay
Readers of fiction. Fiction refers to literature created from the imagination. Fiction genres can vary from fantasy to romance and even crime thrillers. In spite of this fact, 80 percent of fiction readers are women. Why is that? Explanations ...
Literature, 1 page
2022 05 13
Revolutionary methods and techniques in „Battleship Potemkin” By Sergei Eisenstein
Revolutionary methods and techniques in „Battleship Potemkin” By Sergei Eisenstein.
Literature, 4 pages
2019 12 04
River motif in Maironis creation
Since ancient times the human relationship with nature was close. The human here looks for consolation, peace, feels safe. According to writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe: “Nature is the only book in which each page is worth it.” The water was ...
Literature, 1 page
2022 06 23
Robin Hood presentation
Robin Hood. J. Walker McSpadden. About the author. J. Walker McSpadden - there is not much information given about this author. The plot. The book about Robin Hood starts when Rob went to archer’s tournament. Bandits pulled Rob and his friends ...
Literature, 12 pages
2020 10 20
Rūta Šepetys Between Shades of Gray book
Ruta sepetys. between shades of grey. Contents. Influence of theory articles discussed in class. Bakhtin. “Prior to this moment of appropriation. Anzaldúa. “Her first step is to take inventory. New historicism. Approach to literary ...
Literature, 10 pages
2017 12 19
Salomėja Nėris - Litauen Dichterin
Salomėja nėris (1904-1945). Salomėja nėris (bačinskaitė-bučienė). Sie lernen in Vilkaviškis in der Alvitas Elementarschule. Im 1918 in der Vilkaviškis Gymnasium. Im 1936 Salomėja Nėris ist mit Aleksandras Bučis verhairatet und nicht ...
Literature, 10 pages
2018 03 22
Sammenlikning av hovedkarakterene i Henriks Ibsens tekster
Sammenlikning av hovedkarakterene i Henriks Ibsens tekster.
Literature, 2 pages
2020 10 21
Šatrijos Ragana biography and Martynas Mažvydas „Catechism“
Satria ragana Marija pečkauskaitė. Biography. Creation. Context. Martynas Mažvydas "Catechism". Catechism value. The purpose of the Mažvydas preface.
Literature, 4 pages
2018 10 21
Shakespeares biography
College faculty departament paper work shakespeare’s biography. Lord Chamberlain’s Men. The Great Globe. The Classical plays. The History plays. The Narrative Poems and Sonnets. Experiments in comedy. Shakespeare's Life in Stratford. The ...
Literature, 10 pages
2021 01 23
Slides about book Charles Dickens „A Christmas carol“
Self work Book‘s presentation. Charles Dickens “A Christmas carol‘‘. Information about the author. Charles John Huffam Dickens was a British novelist. Main characters. Main characters Ebenezer Scrooge Bob Cratchit Jacob Marley Belle Fred. ...
Literature, 10 pages
2019 12 07