Learning English: Conditionals And Mixed Conditionals

Conditionals. Zero conditional. If + present simple (v(es)/ don’t/doesn’t +v). First conditional. Second conditional. If +. Third conditional. If + past. Mixed conditionals. A if + past simple, would + have + v3 if you were wiser.
IF + PRESENT SIMPLE (V(es)/ don’t/doesn’t +V), WILL / CAN/ MAY/ MIGHT+ INFINITIVE To express a real situation in the present or future. Unless (=if not) + affirmative verb (We will not catch the train unless we leave now.) If I lie down, I will/ might/ can asleep. I will asleep if I lie down.
A if + past simple, would + have + v3 if you were wiser, you wouldn’t have made that mistake. b if + past perfect, would + infinitive if she hadn’t overslept, she would be here now.
- Languages Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 33 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 6 pages (259 words)
- Gymnasium
- Gabija