Learning And Talent Development Policy

Learning and Talent Development. Msc hrm Learning and talent development policy student name module tutor associate professor word count 2549 business rationale statement. Learning and Development Policy Introduction. Purpose and Scope. Aims and Objectives. Methods of employees training. Planning and Staff Development. Responsibility for Staff Development. Access to Staff Development. Evaluation of Staff Development Activities. Funding and Budgets.

Recently the focus on human resources and human capital has grown significantly. P.V. Zuravliov et al (1999) states that the transition from staff to human resources started as early as 1970. Various authors dealt with the importance of human resources and staff learning, training and development. People, as an important resource of the organisation, were noted in about 1930. The introduction of the concept of human capital pays attention to quality. J. Bagdonavicius (2002) identifies initiators in this field: S. Becker, B. Weisbrood, D. Mincer, L. Chansen, T.W. Schulz. People are one of the most important resources of every organization, so it is important to prepare them properly, to improve their qualifications, managers need to be able to motivate employees not only for work but also for development. Every employee has to constantly improve their skills in order to remain competent and competitive, as well as to adapt to constantly changing external conditions.

A learning organization creates an environment that is appropriate for employees, providing activities and opportunities that enhance self-learning and group-learning and is constantly changing by linking learning, opportunities and organisational development (Senge, 1990). This author has highlighted the key disciplines that characterize a learning organisation: personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning and systems thinking.

Creating a learning organization is a long-term process. A system of work and employee appraisal, career planning and reserve formation must be in place. This would give an idea of how much and what people need to learn. Training and development processes are related to the financial resources of the organisation. Depending on them, one of two options may be chosen:

- learning is only a matter of the employee, then the company requires only a certain competence from the employee, or

- learning is a common problem between the company and the employee.

Learning must be purposeful and significant and new knowledge must be applied to the organisation. Changes in the organization and in the employee's behaviour shows the learning has met the objectives of the organisation. Learning and talent development strategy should be supported by business owners and management. (Sakalas, 2003)

Training is required for all employees. It is a way of gaining a basic knowledge of new technologies for the benefit of both the employee and the employer. Training is a variety of ways to provide new and existing employees with the skills needed to do a certain job. (Appleby, 2003)

  • Education Papers
  • Microsoft Word 67 KB
  • 2021 m.
  • English
  • 8 pages (2522 words)
  • University
  • Daiva
  • Learning and talent development policy
    10 - 1 votes
Learning and talent development policy. (June 10, 2021). https://documents.exchange/learning-and-talent-development-policy/ Reviewed on 16:50, March 6 2025