Languages (14)

516 documents
Dialogue about tolerance
A. Hi Iveta, how are you?B. Hi Ignas, Im fine. How about you? How was your weekend?A. Im fine, I was meeting some friends and going to basketball match. How about you?A. Well I think that's a great idea. We can take some of volunteers and ...
Languages, 2 pages
2017 12 08
Differences between British and American english
Differences between british and american english. Content. Given the amount of places around the world that English is spoken. Main differences we. Pronunciation. Vocabulary. Collective Nouns. Auxiliary verbs. Past Tense Verbs. Tag Questions. ...
Languages, 13 pages
2018 10 04
Does luck play an important part in success?
Does luck play an important part in success? About success and luck. What is success and luck ? Importance of luck in our life. Importance of luck in career success. Conclusion. Thank you for your attention!
Languages, 7 pages
2018 10 04
English Grammar exercises
Name of the student , group. Exercise. Make questions with you. Exercise. What is the Lithuanian for. Exercise. Put the words in the right order to make a question. Exercise. Underline the uncountable nouns.
Languages, 3 pages
2021 05 31
Example of glossary
To melt glass. To the detriment of. Subject to appeal. To substantiate one’s accusations against. Table word / term / collocation lithuanian equivalent english definition. Komisinis atlyginimas / komispinigiai. Pažeidžiant ką nors , padarant ...
Languages, 2 pages
2018 04 03
Finally, a lithuanian jew chaim soutine who spent most of his life in france. His most intrigueing painting is the mad woman. The artists ussage of obscure colours makes the piece very suspensfull, And provides it with a rich depth of ...
Languages, 2 pages
2017 12 08
Future challenges, big possibilities: youth can take action
Future challenges , big possibilities youth can take action.
Languages, 3 pages
2017 12 08
Grammar: Do or doesn't
Don’t or Doesn’t. Game. Hehave a dog. Don’t. go to school. Great. She use a computer. We drink coffee. Mary help at home. You live here. They listen to you. Itell lies. Hedrive a new car. Catsfly. Itcost very much.
Languages, 13 pages
2018 10 04
Head injuries powerpoint
Head injuries. Content. Concept. Major types of head injuries. Hematoma. Hemorrhage. Concussion. Edema. Skull fracture. Diffuse Axonal Injury. Signs and symptoms. Seek medical care right away if there are. Treatment. Prevention. Facts. ...
Languages, 28 pages
2018 01 23
Idioms presentation
Idioms. On end. Earn just enough money to live on. Make ends meet. Earn just enough. Have nothing specific to do. Be at a loose end. „Why don't you stay to eat, if you're at a loose end? “. „Her career as a singer come to an end“. Having ...
Languages, 15 pages
2019 05 15
Keanu Reeves actor slides
Keanu Reeves. Keanu Reeves. Ist ein kanadischer Schauspieler,     Musiker (Bassist), Regisseur, Autor und Filmproduzent. Filmkarriere. Januar erhielt einen persönlichen Stern auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame. Der Schauspieler ist ...
Languages, 8 pages
2019 12 02
Kinds of pronouns
Kinds of pronouns. The What & Why of Pronouns. Kinds of pronouns. Personal pronouns. Have. Personal pronouns have gender. Personal pronouns. Also have. Pronouns must agree in number, gender, and case. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS--reflect back to the ...
Languages, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Leadership presentation (2)
Leadership.Content. Definition. Leadership is a. Leadership theories. Great Man Theory Group. Transactional Theory Transformational Theory Adaptive Theory Women’s Transformative Theory. Leadership styles. Sex differences. Qualities for leaders. ...
Languages, 13 pages
2017 12 19
Letter to friend
How are you keeping? I haven’t been in touch with you for ages. I am really sorry about that. Anyway, I am actually writing about my new activity. Guess what? I have decided to start basketball trainings. As you know, I have played basketball ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 12 19
Lions project
Lions. Zahnice McNeal Jason Williams. Appearance. Boy lions have a mane. Lions’ manes make them look larger than they are. Movement. Lions can almost. Interesting facts. Lion babies have. What they eat. Lions like to. Habitat. Lions live in ...
Languages, 9 pages
2022 05 24
Monologue about Traveling
Monologue about Traveling. Content 3 points. Organization 2 points. Accuracy 2 points. Vocabulary 3 points.
Languages, 1 page
2017 12 08
Must, mustn‘t, needn‘t usage
Must. mustn‘t needn‘t. Must is use when something is necessary. You must wash your teeth after every meal. Must remember to write a letter. Must do my homework. Mustn‘t is use to say something is a bad idea. Mustn‘t. He mustn‘t forget ...
Languages, 7 pages
2018 12 02
My favorite trip presentation: My trip to Germany
My trip to. Germany. Early morning. The places we went to visit. Berlin's Brandenburg Gate. Berlin's Museum Island. The Island of Rügen. Sanssouci Park and Palace. The Berlin Wall. The end. Thanks for attention.
Languages, 11 pages
2021 06 04
My favourite places and dishes
My favourite places and dishes. About me. In Vilnius. Two pizzas. Vilnius places. In London. Favourite restourant. Finishing. Thanks for your attention!
Languages, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Noun clauses presentation
Noun clauses. What is a noun clause? Starting the clause. Question clauses. Things to remember. Subjects. Subject complement. Direct object. Object complements. Indirect object. Prepositional complement. Adjective Phrase Complements. Noun phrase ...
Languages, 20 pages
2018 10 04
Phrasal verbs presentation
Phrasal Verbs. What is a phrasal verb? Phrasal verb = verb + particle. Phrasal verbs can be divided into groups. Intransitive verbs. Transitive verbs. Inseperable verbs. Seperable verbs. Short Summary.
Languages, 15 pages
2019 04 08
Plusquamperfekt. Was ist das Plusquamperfekt? Das Plusquamperfekt wird auch Vorvergangenheit genannt und entspricht dem englischen Past Perfect. Beispiele. „Beim Fußballturnier schoss Jan drei Tore. Wie wird das Plusquamperfekt gebildet? Das ...
Languages, 8 pages
2022 05 18
Present ir future tenses
Present ir future tenses. Present simple. Present continuous. Present perfect. Present perfect continuous. Future continuous. Future perfect. Future perfect continuous.
Languages, 3 pages
2018 11 05
Present perfect tense slides
Present perfect tense. Use. We use the. SINCE/when/ FOR /a length of time/ -1995, -five years, -last month, - two months. Affirmative. We form the affirmative form with the helping verb have/has+past participle (V3).
Languages, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Presentation about Esperanto language
Esperanto. Language. Content. What it is a language. What it is an esperanto language. Name origins. Connection with other languages. Structure (sound systemsStructure. Vowels. Structure. Consonants and stress. Structure. Vocabulary. Alphabet and ...
Languages, 16 pages
2019 03 04
Reported speech presentation
Reported speech. Is the exact meaning of what someone said. When we report. Tense changes. Direct speech. Present simple “I play the guitar quite well“. Will May/might Must Can Shall. Would Might Must/had to Could should. We don‘t normally. ...
Languages, 11 pages
2017 12 08
Reported speech theory exercises
Reported speech tell sb say to sb tenses present simple vs. Past Simple V2 ed. Present Continuous am is are Ving. Past Continuous was were Ving. Past Perfect had V3 ed. Present Perfect have has Present Perfect Continuous have has been Ving. Past ...
Languages, 4 pages
2022 06 02
Rivella – das beliebteste Schweizer Erfrischungsgetränk
Rivella – das beliebteste Schweizer Erfrischungsgetränk. Gliederung. Eine kurze Geschichte Kulinarische Geheimnisse Ein paar Momente aus der Rivella Fabrik. Eine kurze Geschichte. Rivella Flaschengeschichte. Kulinarische Geheimnisse. ...
Languages, 8 pages
2019 02 22
Shopping (2)
Today I’m going to talk about shopping. We go shopping practically every day when we need to buy some foodstuffs or some household articles. But not everyone goes in a store when they want to buy something. A lot of nowadays people use an ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 12 08
Simple Past Tense slides
Simple Past Tense. How do we form the simple past tense? Let’s read the following list of past tense verbs. Regular verbs are verbs that end with -ed. Rules for adding –ed. Irregular verbs are verbs that don’t end in –ed. Other irregular ...
Languages, 10 pages
2018 10 04