Klaipėdos Duona Factory

Klaipedos duona factory. Will talk about. Factory history Traditions Nominations Products they make. Logo. History of the Klaipedos duona factory. The mechanized bakery in Klaipėda worked already in. Since establishment here have been working the best bread baking masters. Traditions. The company preserves and nurtures Lithuanian bread baking traditions. Estimates. The finest evidence. In the factory are making about 180 tipes of baking goods. Facts. Klaipėdos duona factory. „Klaipėdos duona“ products are exported to a lot of other countrys JAV. Exports. Frozen products. The modern manufacturing. Branch Waffles Cookies Rools, Plates Biscuits, cakes, braids Snacs Buns. Products they bake. Warm bread shops. „Klaipedos duona“ have got few small shops in Kretinga. Klaipedos duona has got their website where hosts information about company. Conclusions. From then till now Klaipėdos duona company is expanding.
The finest evidence – bread „Klaipėdos plikyta“ was awarded by Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists as „Lithuanian Product of the Year 2000“ and „Lithuanian Goods 2000“, round waffle sheets – „Lithuanian Product of the Year 2005“ in gold medals. Bread „Palanga močiučių“ was twice awarded in the contest „Best Lithuanian bread“ – for nurturance of traditions and certified as the best white rye bread of 2008. Bread „Klaipėdos plikyta“ received a second gold medal as „Lithuanian Product of the Year 2008“.
Klaipedos duona has got their website where hosts information about company, baking proceses, export, new products, contacts, shops and etc.
- Retail Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 3262 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 15 pages (565 words)
- College
- Viktorija