J. Walker McSpadden Book „Robin Hood“

Robin Hood. J. Walker McSpadden. About the author. J. Walker McSpadden (Joseph Walker Mc Spadden) was an author. Joseph Walker Mc Spadden. Content. The book is. The story a. My favourite character. My favourite character is obviously Robin Hood. My favourite scene. My favourite scene. My feelings about the book. Really enjoyed. Quiz time! When was Robin. Vocabulary. Warring-prieštaraujantis. Well-knit-tvirtas. Thank you for your attention.
The book is about Robin hood. He was an archer and a thief. He stole treasures from the rich and gave what he the stole to the poor. Robin Hood escaped to Sharewoods Forest and joined the Jolly‘s fellowship group of the Greenworld.
The story a boy, named Robin Hood, who was born in the year 1160, in a town called Locksesley. He was strong and precious. As soon as he was strong enough to walk, he wanted to go to the forest with his father. And when his arms became stronger, Robin started learning how to use a bow. On winter evenings, he loved listening to his father tell him about Will o’ the Green, the outlaw, who for many summers broke laws in The Kings Forest. They didn‘t care about Kings Foresters so he feasted with his men upon King‘s deer. I left you all on a cliff-hanger. If you like adventurous books, where the justice is servered, then I highly suggest to read this book, if you want to find out how the story went.
My favourite character is obviously Robin Hood.
- Literature Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 4978 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 13 pages (618 words)
- School
- Mantas