Internet (2)

57 documents
Website Security: How Do Websites Get Hacked? Summary
Website Security How Do Websites Get Hacked. Security tips to protect your website from hackers. Summary. References.
Internet, 1 page
2018 10 04
Anti-Counterfeit Trade Agreement and the Internet Piracy
Anti-Counterfeit Trade Agreement and the Internet Piracy.
Internet, 8 pages
2015 10 01
Electronic gadgets essay
The best part for me is the communication features. In my opinion, this makes our lives so much easier. It's not just communication between friends. It is also communication of work members, banks, or with your hotel, where you want to go on ...
Internet, 1 page
2022 04 04
Essay on Personal information
Essay on Personal information on a website.
Internet, 1 page
2016 04 13
Essay on Shopping online goods and services
Essay on Shopping online goods and services.
Internet, 1 page
2016 11 21
School websites
Although, the school website has a lot of advantages but I use it very rarely. I use it only when I want to see friends class’s photos. In my opinion, our school’s website is great. There is a lot of information about school’s events. Also, ...
Internet, 1 page
2017 02 26
Social networking sites overview
There are: -Foreign-based SNS’s (Cyworld, QQ) -Children’s SNS’s (Club Penguin, Webkinz) -Professional SNS’s (LinkedIn) -SNS’s for animals (Dogster, Catster) -Ant there are much more...Even though SNS’s can be very beneficial, ...
Internet, 16 pages
2015 12 02
Social Networks
So today I would like to talk about social networks. The bigger part of our lives we spend on the internet. And mostly on facebook. What do we do there? Well, 70 per cent of asked people said that they regularly are clicking the ‘‘like‘‘ ...
Internet, 1 page
2017 01 18
The internet press
There‘s few kinds of people one of them says that internet is better than traditional methods and others denye that, at the time my opinion is slightly different I think that now both those things is unchangable. I‘ reading news almost all ...
Internet, 1 page
2016 04 28
For and against essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of learning online
For and against essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of learning online.
Internet, 1 page
2016 01 10
Internet television
Internet television. What is Internet TV? Basic elements. Technologies used for Internet TV. P2P technology. VoD technology. Live streaming. Stream quality. Usage of Internet TV. Internet TV prices. Internet streaming. Thanks for listening!
Internet, 12 pages
2015 11 30
Facebook presentation
Facebook. By jonas and dominykas . What is Facebook? Facebook is a. Founder of Facebook. Facebook was found. Basic stuff about Facebook. Facebook has 1. 4 Billion active users and the number is still growing. Interesting Facts About Facebook. ...
Internet, 12 pages
2017 02 28
Dropbox presentation
Dropbox. Dropbox is a file hosting service operated by American company Dropbox, Inc. Dropbox is offers. Dropbox creates a special folder on the user's computer. Interface. Prices. Thank you for your attention.
Internet, 9 pages
2017 12 19
Hacking for dummies book review
Hacking for dummies, 3rd edition. (chapter I and IIWhy I chose this book. Part I Building the Foundation for Ethical Hacking. What’s a hacker? A maliciuous user. Network infrastructure attacks. Operating system attacks. Application and other ...
Internet, 12 pages
2022 03 31
IPv4 Addressing Basics (IPv4)
Computers with Internet connectivity. Practical task. Ipv4 addressing basics ipv4 objectives. Do not set correctly. Named after the. Class Value for w Network ID Portion Host ID Portion Available Networks. " is the assigned network address. In. ...
Internet, 10 pages
2019 02 26
Safety and security on the Internet
Safety and security on the Internet. Internet security perception. Internet safety or online safety is. Phishing. Phishing is a type. Internet scams. Internet scams are schemes. Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is the attack. Top 10 Internet ...
Internet, 7 pages
2018 12 23
The Internet of Things
The Internet of Things. Definition of the Internet of Things. How the IoT works? Benefits of the IoT. Drawbacks of the IoT. The Existence of IOT Technology in Today’s World. Internet of Things Devices & Examples. More about the IoT. Predictions ...
Internet, 21 page
2018 11 03
Does the internet need controls or censorship?
Does the internet need controls or censorship?.
Internet, 1 page
2015 05 18
E - commerce presentation
E - commerce. Advantages of e-commerce. To organizations To consumers. Advantages to organizations. Global reach Cost reduction Extended hours Customization Improved customer relations. Advantages to consumers. More products and. Disadvantages of ...
Internet, 9 pages
2017 05 13
How people can make sure they shop on the internet safely ?
How people can make sure they shop on the internet safely ?.
Internet, 1 page
2016 03 22
Importance of the internet in young people’s life
Importance of the internet in young people’s life.
Internet, 1 page
2017 03 08
Internet addiction
Internet addiction. Content. Introduction Emotional symptoms of. Introduction. The Internet has. Emotional symptoms. Depression Dishonesty Euphoric feelings when. Physical symptoms. Headaches Weight gain or. Getting help. Any addiction is. ...
Internet, 9 pages
2015 12 02
Internet essay
Internet - a world computer network, linking global and local area networks. It is usually used for work or pleasure. Especially good to study, because it is so much information and so it takes less time. Think about where you spend the time to ...
Internet, 1 page
2015 05 11
Major characteristics of multimedia. A broadcast may. Where and how people use multimedia. Mathematical and scientific research. Molecular model of a particular substance. On the whole.
Internet, 1 page
2015 05 11
The surprising power of technologies and social networks and how they shape our lives
The Surprising Power of Technologies and Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives. Technology has not only affected communication. Technology in Transportation. Household technologies have truly been a revolution in our everyday home lives. ...
Internet, 7 pages
2016 11 02
The way google breaches our privacy
The way google breaches our privacy. It all began with a google self-search. As many people. Dutch authorities could fine Google as much as €15m for online privacy breaches. ‘An invisible web of our personal information’. Google captures ...
Internet, 6 pages
2017 02 27
Web design
Web design. ITPf -15 Evelina Ilona Sinkevič. Topics. HTML Basic elements Video, animations and sound. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). A special language to create a web pages. Html example. Basic elements. Some of the. Multimedia files ...
Internet, 10 pages
2016 03 19