Internet Crime Essay

Cyber Crime. Article 19 search and seizure of stored computer data. Article 11 State Data Protection Inspectorate’s authority within the cyber security. Field. Article 10 Police powers in the field of cyber security.
Article 11: State Data Protection Inspectorate’s authority within the cyber security field
Article 10: Police powers in the field of cyber security:
In Lithuanian legal system, search and seizure of data is regulated by the Cyber Security Laws of the Republic of Lithuania. The act has been updated relatively recently – in 2018, 27th of August. Article 10 particularly specifies the powers of the police within the cyber security field. The article particularly mentions four legal powers of the police, in case, if they detect cyber incidents and detecting possible cyber threats:
The cyber space is probably the most dynamic and the fastest developing sphere; therefore, it is essential to consistently improve the technological tools as well as the legal instruments.
In order to answer the relevant question at hand, the relevant articles of the Cyber Security Statute will be analyzed. The second section (articles 4-10) of the statute outline the institutions, which are responsible of keeping the cyber space secured, as well as their powers and obligations. Article 4 determines, that the main authorities in charge of keeping the cyber space secured are – National Cyber Security Centre, State Data Protection Inspectorate, Lithuanian police and other institutions, whose functions are related to cyber security.
Article 10 of the Cyber Security Statute outlines the powers of the police within the cyber security sphere. The article states, that the police have the power to collect, analyze and summarize the information, regarding the information about cyber incidents, which indicate attributes of criminal activities.