Informative Abstract Erich Fromm – Sex And Character

Informative abstract Erich Fromm – Sex and Character.
In ,,Sex and Character” Erich Fromm analyses if biological differences have any effect in forming a character. Certain biological differences result in characterological differences. The character typical of men and women is determined by their respective social roles, but there is a coloring of character which is rooted in sex differences.
So, in order to satisfy the woman sexually the man has to demonstrate that he has the ability to have and maintain an erection. This means that in order to satisfy the partner the man has to prove something, but the woman does not.
From this difference in their respective sexual roles follows the difference in their specific anxieties and vanity connected with the sexual function. His specific anxiety is that of failing and be unable to perform. The woman's vulnerability lies in her dependency and reliability on the man, in being "left alone" or frustrated and in not having complete control over the process. Also, the man's vanity is to show what he can do, to prove that he never fails. The woman's vanity is essentially characterized by the need to attract.
- Psichology Description
- Microsoft Word 106 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 2 pages (259 words)
- University
- Ieva