Informal Letters Slides

Informal letters. Informal letters/emails. Asking for advice. Giving advice. Opening remarks of a letter of advice. Giving advice. Expected Result of advice. Ending the letter/email of advice. Making invitations. accepting invitation. refusing invitation. Objectives. Making invitations. Opening remarks/inviting. Closing remarks (inviting). Accepting invitation. Opening remarks/accepting. Closing remarks/ Accepting. Refusing invitation. Opening remarks/Refusing. Closing remarks / Refusing. A task.
Greeting: Dear Tom, INTRODUCTION (par.1): 1)opening remarks, 2) reason for writing BODY (par. 2,3): write about specific topic(s)- a new paragraph for each topic. CONCLUSION (par. 4): closing remarks Signing off:Best wishes/Love/With love/Regards/ Yours,.
Par.1: opening remarks, state theproblem Par. 2,3: describe the problem in detail, how it affects you Par. 4:ask for help/advice, closing remarks.
Par. 1:opening remarks, express sympathy Par.2,3:give advice supported by expected results Par. 4:express hope things will improve, closing remarks.
If I were you, I‘d... You could / should also... You shouldn‘t... The best thing to do is / would be... Why don‘t you...? In your position I would ... It would be a good idea for you to... It‘s best not to... Another good idea is...
Thanks so much for the invitation... Thank you for inviting me to... ...souds lovely/amazing I‘d love to come It would be really great to come with you. It‘s really kind of you to invite me.
Par. 1: opening remarks, thanks for invitation Par.2,3:refuse invitation, give reasons Par. 4:closing remarks, thank person again.
I hope we can get together soon. Again, I‘m really sorry I can‘t make it. I‘m sorry I‘ll have to miss it.
- Ethics Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 42 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 21 page (650 words)
- Gymnasium
- Deimantė