
Break the news to smb. Get hold of smb. Hear from smb. Give smb a ring call. Drop somebody a line note. Keep quiet about smth. Keep leave smb in the dark. Don’t breath a word about smth. Talk down to smb. Put your foot in it. Get smth across. Speak your mind. Behind smb back. Answer smb back. Tell smb off. Not get a word in edgeways. Take smth the wrong way. Make fun of smb. Feel sorry for smb. Have the last laugh. Do smth for a laugh. Hit the roof. Not be on speak. Make a fool of yourself.
Behind smb back - without somebody knowing, especially because they would not like it
Tell smb off – speak angrily to smb for doing smth wrong
make fun of smb – laugh at smb insule or uncomfortable way
not be on speak – not be prepare to be friendly with each other
make a fool of yourself – do smth that make others think you’re stupid
- Languages Description
- Microsoft Word 15 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 2 pages (342 words)
- University
- Rikiki