Humanism And Mythicist In Andrei Tarkovsky`s „Ivan`s Childhood“

Humanism and Mythicist in Andrei Tarkovsky`s „Ivan`s Childhood“.
If in earlier 20th century movies were to show Soviet progress and all events on screen were framed in a proletarian mood, movies of the second part of the century directed light on the main character -person appeared on the screen. In war films focus shifted from collectivism to individualism, movies became more humane, showing ordinary people`s lives and loses, separated families and devastated homes.
Andrei Tarkovsky`s Soviet war drama film “Ivan`s Childhood” caused a significant international response. Major cultural figures in many countries recognized that there was no such film about the war in the history of world cinema. In 1962, the movie received the Golden Lion highest award price in Venice Film Festival. " A thirty-year-old Tarkovsky immediately won an honorable place among the world elite of cinema. Thankfully he didn’t rest on his laurels and made an array of hauntingly beautiful and picturesque movies including “Andrei Rublev,” “Nostalgia.” (Bird) Tarkovsky’s films are often called “poetic cinema., which is sometimes referred to as more intellectual than the mainstream cinema so-called “prosaic.” These styles were the only distinctive aesthetic class in the Soviet cinema world, so Tarkovsky, like other directors, developed his own, individual style which was also in the way a guide for the public. The Soviet genres were not autoreferential in compared to Hollywood. They share the common leading ideological symbols of their era but did not link to each other or quoted each other`s elements. The director consciously relied on the cultural memory of many generations of people, expressed in symbols, reflected in the pictures and music. At the same time, several characters in his films receive their own, author's interpretation.
A distinctive feature of cinema from other forms of art according to Tarkovsky is its ability to project to the audience a “the second reality” working with real-world objects.
- Literature Essays
- Microsoft Word 26 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 7 pages (1877 words)
- University
- Rapolas