How Important Were Hitler’s Election Promises As A Reason For Growth In Support For The Nazi Party By 1933?

How Important were Hitler’s Election promises as a reason for growth in support for the Nazi party by 1933?.
How Important were Hitler’s Election promises as a reason for growth in support for the Nazi party by 1933? Explain your answer.
By 1933, Hitler and the Nazi party had already made an impression on Germans. They had been running as a party for quite some time yet did not have a majority, this quickly changed however as the Nazi party had gotten a majority. It is debatable how exactly they managed to form their majority, it could be said that it was what Hitler promised Germans that got his support while it could be said that it was other factors.
It could have possibly been because of what Hitler promised during his election for multiple reasons. Firstly, Hitler had promised Germans work and bread, which at the time was very important since Germany was in shambles due to the Treaty of Versailles. So Germans were desperate for some stability. Hitler had ensured them that they would get this stability that was missing from their country. Furthermore, food was especially hard to find as Germany had many people to feed but not enough food to distribute, so when Hitler had promised this to them it was not surprising that they would gravitate towards him.