How Americans Live Essay

How Americans Live.
In America, the number of householders is large, compared to that of the tenants who rent apartments.
Numerous families prefer detached houses called 'single-family dwellings'. The widespread nation of Americans living in mobile homes has real proof. Actually, less than 10 per cent of Americans occupy that kind of living space. Moreover, these mobile units function rather as prefabricated housing established in one place. The four-season climate in major parts of the United States demands various maintenance jobs to be done around the house. Homeowners tend to do these themselves, with pride and affection.
The rhythm of their life follows the seasons. Spring starts with taking down the storm windows in areas where it was cold in winter. Screen windows are put up instead to keep out insects in summer. Back gardens demand planing, digging ant planting new flowers. The pleasant warm dry weather offers a good opportunity to do minor repairs and repainting. Summer jobs can also include building an extra room in the attic or basement or adding a patio to the house.