Holiday At Grandparents Presentation

Holiday at grandparents. Monday. After lunch we went with a friend play football. Tuesday. Tuesday morning, I played with the computer. Wednesday. Woke up. Thursday. With grandparents. Friday. In the morning. Saturday. After I woke up, aunt and me went to sport. Sunday.

After lunch we went with a friend play football. Played with a dog. At evening I ate Grandma waffles.

Tuesday morning, I played with the computer. After meal I read a book. Watched the cartoons.

With grandparents, cooked pancakes. Aunt helped me watered flowers. Started writing English project, at the weekend.

In the morning I with my grandmother, were at her job. At noon with aunt we played war. After lunch I and all family built snow castle.

After I woke up, aunt and me went to sport. Started prepare to Sunday trip to Kaunas. Mixed the dough cake, with cousin.

Sayed goodbye to my grandparents and aunts family. Drove home with uncle. Returned home to Kaunas.

  • Recreation Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 734 KB
  • 2018 m.
  • English
  • 8 pages (179 words)
  • School
  • Petras
  • Holiday at grandparents presentation
    10 - 3 votes
Holiday at grandparents presentation. (December 4, 2018). Reviewed on 13:36, March 6 2025