History Of SPA

Introduction. Glossary. General history of spa. SPA benefits to body and organism. The best spa centre in europe. “ESPA life at Corinthia” services. The best spa centre in lithuania. History of “Eglės” sanatorium. Conclusions. Analysis of literature and other information sources.

The theme of this independent work is “History of SPAS”. The selected theme is relevant to the people, who are interested in living a healthy lifestyle and want to know more about the history of SPAS. The development of SPA centres encourages the interest in SPA history evolution.

Purpose of this independent work – to provide people with information about history of SPAS.

Work tasks:1. Glossary;2. Introduction into general history of SPA;3. The best SPA centre in Europe;4. The best SPA centre in Lithuania.

Service – economic goodness, which satisfies needs of the user, but it does not have any material shape and it cannot be saved, so usually it is consumed as soon as possible. (Vainienė R., 2005, Ekonomikosterminųžodynas).

Accommodation service – economic activity, were conditions are created to satisfy the need of accommodation and hygiene. (LietuvosRespublikosturizmoįstatymas, 2 str., 2018).

Procedure – curative designated by a doctor. For example, hot tub, massage, sauna etc. (Tarpautiniųžodžiųžodynas, Procedūražodžioreikšmė, 1985).

Medical rehabilitation – one of healing types, which is provided to patients after severe surgery and traumas or to those who have chronic diseases. Complex of procedures is applied to achieve faster recovery. (Vilniaus teritorinėligoniųkasa, 2014).

Wellness - form of spending leisure time, which is justified by healthy living principles and using tourism and recreational resources for active relaxation. (Kazlauskienė J., 2012).

Therapist – doctor of internal diseases, who nurses patients. (lietuviuzodynas.lt, Terapeutasreikšmė, 2018).

In the second segment of this work it is expedient to discuss about the history of SPA, because everyone who cares about their health needs to know how this term appeared. Also, it is important to know not only about the history of SPA, but about the benefits to organism and outside beauty, after all everyone is curious what effect one or other procedure will have.

Firstly, the origin of the word SPA is not exactly known. Ones are sure, that this term originated from a Belgian town called Spa – from Roman times known bathing place name. It is thought, that this city became famous because of its healing sources, that its name became a synonym to a place intended for vital health recovery and relaxation. Other ones think that the term SPA is a shortening of the Latin expression - Sanitas per aqua (health through water).

  • Travel Papers
  • Microsoft Word 149 KB
  • 2018 m.
  • English
  • 12 pages (2338 words)
  • College
  • Radvilė
  • History of SPA
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History of SPA. (December 13, 2018). https://documents.exchange/history-of-spa/ Reviewed on 16:30, March 6 2025