Henry Ford

Henry ford. Biography. Born on July. Ford Motor Company. Ford together with 11 other investors founded the Ford Motor Company. Ford Model T.
1903 Ford together with 11 other investors founded the Ford Motor Company . In his newly created machine he broke mile ( ~ 1,609 km) over 39.4 seconds , while improving the speed record for land . Thanks to this achievement, Ford has attracted public attention . 1908 was produced by the Ford Model T, the car that has become one of the most successful in history. 1913 has been adapted to the moving belt assembly lines , significantly increasing production . Although frequently present invention relates to Ford , some sources say that time that both the idea and its development has been a number of its employees merit . In 1918, half of the cars in the US was the Model T , and its production lasted until 1927 , they had already made 15 million .
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