Help & FAQ

I uploaded the document. When will I receive my gift code?
Usually documents are approved or rejected within 1 business day. If you've uploaded a document, you'll necessarily receive an email with a code or a message saying that the document was rejected.
Want a quick gift code? Upload 5 or more of your documents and your documents will automatically receive VIP positions and will be approved as a matter of urgency.
The more quality documents you upload, the sooner you will receive gift codes!

I downloaded the document, but I did not like it, it did not meet my expectations.
This happen sometimes, but we would like you to find information you are looking for. Please write a review for downloaded document (you received link by email) and write your opinion in detail. We will be happy to help you.

How can I download a document with gift code?
Upload your document and after approval you will receive a gift code by email. Find the document you are interested in, click on the green "Download document" button, in the download window, click "Have a Gift Code?" link in the bottom, and enter this code. You will receive your document by email.

Why my uploaded document was not approved?
If your uploaded document was not approved, most likely it did not meet our quality requirements. Make sure you are author of this document and it has some useful information for other people. The length of the document should be at least one page of text. In order to provide you with the best knowledge resources, we appreciate the quality of uploaded documents.

Still have a question? Contact Us .

