Health And Body Care Presentation

Health and body care. Health is the most important thing in a person’s life. Healthy life. Food contains six basic nutrients. If you want to be healthy, you should. Being healthy is. Doctor can. Names of diseases. Some more useful phrases for talking about health. Don’t forget. When health is lost, everything is lost!. The End.
Vitamins Mineral Fibre (ląsteliena) Carbohydrates (angliavandeniai) Fats Protein.
Do physical exercises. Never overfeed. Eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit. Not eat much sugar, fat and salt. Wash yourselves, clean your teeth, wash your hands before every meal. Take care of your hair and clothes.
Appendicitis – apendicitas Chicken – pox – vėjaraupiai Hay fever – šienligė Indigestion – virškinimo sutrikimas Insomnia – nemiga Mumps – kiaulytė Pneumonia – plaučių uždegimas Stroke - insultas.
Some more useful phrases for talking about health.
Have you anything for your headache? Ar gėrei ką nors nuo galvos skausmo? I feel very dizzy. Man labai svaigsta galva. Why don’t you take an aspirin/some antibiotics/lie down for a bit? I have lost my appetite.
- Health & Nutrition Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 460 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 10 pages (357 words)
- Gymnasium
- Domantas