Halloween Slides

Halloween. Vocabulary. Halloween's History! Historians believe it all started with the Celts. Trick-Or-Treat. Noun A children's Halloween practice. Bobbing For Apples. Noun A game often played in connection with Halloween. Jack-O-Lantern. Noun. A hollowed pumpkin with openings cut to represent human eyes. Noun A member of. Samhain. Noun a festival of the ancient Celts, held around November 1 to celebrate the beginning of winter. Druids. Noun A member of a pre-christian religious order among the ancient celts of Gaul. All Saints Day. Noun November 1 observed. All Hallows Eve. Noun The day before Allhallows day. Also know as Halloween.
Noun A children's Halloween practice of asking for treats from door to door under threat of playing tricks on those who refuse — trick–or treat intransitive verb — trick–or–treater noun.
Noun A member of a division of the early Indo-European peoples distributed from the British Isles and Spain to AsiaMinor.
Noun A member of a pre-christian religious order among the ancient celts of Gaul, Britain, and Ireland.
Noun November 1 observed as a Christian feast in honor of all the saints. Also called Allhallows day.
Noun The day before Allhallows day. Also know as Halloween.
- Culture Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 676 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 10 pages (442 words)
- School
- Kornelija