First Aid

First aid.Content. Definition History Aims Key skills Training Types Conditions that often require first aid. First aid is the. History. The binding of battle wounds on Classical Greek pottery from circa 500 BCE. Aims. Preserve life Prevent further harm Promote recovery. Key skills. “ABC”s of first. Training. Training is provided by attending a course. Types of first aid. Aquatic/Marine first aid Battlefield first aid. Conditions that often require a first aid. Altitude sickness Anaphylaxis Bone fracture. Thank you for your attention! References. Efstathis Vlas.
The binding of battle wounds on Classical Greek pottery from circa 500 BCE; First aid performed within the Roman army; The Knights Hospitaller in the 11th century; The Society for the Recovery of Persons Apparently Drowned; The Royal Humane Society; Napoleon's surgeon, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey; Shepherd and Colonel Francis Duncan teaching first aid skills to civilians.
“ABC”s of first aid must be rendered before treatment of less serious injuries; First step – ensure airway is clear; Determine adequacy of breathing and provide rescue breathing if necessary; A fourth step of “D”; Once the ABCs are secured, first aiders can begin additional treatments; Some organizations teach the same order of priority using the “3Bs”.
- Medicine Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 3870 KB
- 2015 m.
- English
- 17 pages (325 words)
- Ieva