Famous Automobile Engineers Slides

Famous automobile engineers. Automobile. History of the automobile. First working land-vehicle. Internal combustion engine. First commercially successful internal combustion engine. First modern internal combustion engine. First production automobile. Automobile industry. The first American car. Electric vehicle. -mile Ranged Electric Car. J. B. Straubel. Automatic transmission. Alfred Horner Munro 1876Airbags. Ettore Bugatti. Ettore Bugatti 1881Ferdinand Porsche 1875Thanks for watching.
A type of vehicle designed to move on the ground under its own stored power and intended to carry a driver, a small number of additional passengers, and a very limited amount of other load.
- Automotive Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 9319 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 21 page
- College
- Matas