Factors Influencing Willingness To Travel

Factors influencing willingness to travel .
Living place – analyzing the importance of living place, basically the impact of the fact whether a person is living in a village near a city, countryside/town, big city or city.
As income is an important factor of everyone‘s leisure choices, I will investigate if income has the most significant impact on people’s willingness to travel. I also believe that age is also important since young people usually tend to be more adventure-seeking.
Three dependent variables of travel agent’s services were chosen in this research:
Seven groups of factors influencing choosing services listed above were chosen in this research:
Associations between travel agent’s services and each separate group of factors were found by applying Multiple Correspondence Analysis.
I am going to apply logistic regression model. I chose it because my outcome variable is binomial and applying this model will result in getting real and accurate results. It is a type of regression analysis where my dependent variable is a dummy variable, which is coded as: 0 – person is a frequent traveler, 1 – person is a non-frequent traveler.
93 respondents filled the questionnaire which was created in order to have a possibility to make assumptions about what influences people to travel. In my research the dependent variable is qualitative and have two possible variants: the person is a frequent traveler or a non-frequent traveler. In the questionnaire 5 factors were asked about to find out which of them has the largest impact. I decided that if a person travels 4 or more times a year (both in Lithuania and abroad) he is considered a frequent traveler; if a person travels 3 or less times a year (both in Lithuania and abroad), he is considered a non-frequent traveler. According to the data, this is the classification of the respondents:
I also need to transform the qualitative variables into binary values using dummy variables. I need to transform living place and gender.
When transforming variable gender, I need only one dummy variable called GENDER.
When transforming variable lplace I need 4 dummy variables because the respondent can be living in a village near a city, countryside/town, in a city or in a big city.