Export Plan To Germany

Content. List of tables and figures. Summary. Introduction. Company, main information about market, supply process, distribution. Company and product. Main information about market. Culture difference. Law regulation and tax. Logistic infrastructure. Competitors. Partners and clients. Pest. Suply process. Export volumes. Supply process. Supply strategy. Requirements to export chocolate to Germany. Transportation evaluation. Transportation process. Pre-contractual and post-contractual relations. Distribution. International negotiation. Negotiation object. Negotiation partner. Negotiation roles. Negotiation schedule. Analysis of partners business situation. Negotiation tools. Minimum and maximum goals. Compromises. Summary of negotiation. Conclusions. Literature sources. Table “Kanne Group” evaluation (created by authorsTable “Tchibo” evaluation (created by authorsTable “Schwarz Group” evaluation (created by authorsTable “Public Coffee Roasters” evaluation (created by authorsTable “Goethe Chocolaterie” evaluation (created by authorsTable ”PEST” (created by authorsTable “Ketrona” evaluation (created by authorsTable “RM Cargo Baltic” evaluation (created by authorsTable “Baltic transline” evaluation (created by authorsTable “LINĖJA” evaluation (created by authorsTable “Sausumos transportas” evaluation (created by authorsTable “Evaluation according to the criteria (created by authorsFigure. “Rūta“ products (created by authors using ruta. LtFigure “Market share of leading chocolate companies worldwide in 2016”.

The main problem of the project - UAB "Rūta" wants to export products to Germany. So the problem of the project is how to ensure smooth and successful export of chocolate to Germany

Objectives of the project - Acquaintance with German culture and laws, PEST analysis, supply and transportation process, partner evaluation tables,

Relevance of the work. Companies that successfully develop their business, over time, consider expanding and trading in foreign markets. It is not enough to have the desire and success to achieve this goal, but it also req32uires a detailed plan to achieve it. It is important to find out where it is best to export to, learn about that market and culture, acquainted yourself with the laws and tax system of the country, consider the entire supply process, consider potential partners in the chosen country and transportation partners to the desired location, and finally prepare for negotiations with partners in that country.

Work objective. To plan the export of UAB "Rūta" products to Germany. Create a detailed plan for this purpose, choose the most appropriate strategy and the best partners.

Find and select the key information needed to create an export plan, select potential partners, and design the supply process.

Get acquainted with the German tax system and laws, the applicable rules for exports to the EU, the transportation process and distribution.

Prepare for negotiations. Choose the most appropriate negotiation strategy, set negotiation goals and tools to achieve them.

Working object. Export management of UAB “Rūta” product - chocolate.

Work methods. Literature sources are analyzed, useful information is used for the project, the Internet is searched, information is checked and systematized.

Work structure. The first part describes the company and products of UAB "Rūta", analyzes the German market, cultural differences, German taxes and laws, discusses the infrastructure of the countries, identifies the main competitors, potential partners and customers, performs PEST analysis, export volume, supply process and strategy, rules for export to the EU, transportation evaluation. Pre- and post-contractual relations and expected distribution are discussed. The second part describes the negotiations with partners from Germany. The subject of negotiations is determined, the possible schedule of negotiations is set, the negotiation tools, minimum and maximum goals and compromises are determined.

“Rūta”, successfully operating since 1913, maintains ancient traditions and has earned a good reputation. The company cooperates with researchers from Lithuanian and foreign universities to develop innovative projects. The company's employees are constantly improving their qualifications, not only in Lithuania, but also abroad.

The candy factory produces more than 300 types of candies. These are chocolate candies with fillings, truffles, dragees, chocolate figures, jelly and souffle candies, sugar-free, organic, traditional culinary products, soft caramels, chocolates with various additives and spices. The company also accepts individual orders for various sweets. The chocolate masters can create products just for you.

  • Economy & Finance Projects
  • Microsoft Word 644 KB
  • 2022 m.
  • English
  • 33 pages (8282 words)
  • College
  • Išminčius
  • Export plan to Germany
    10 - 1 votes
Export plan to Germany. (March 31, 2022). https://documents.exchange/export-plan-to-germany/ Reviewed on 13:04, March 6 2025