Exams Are A Useful Way To Measure Intelligence

Exams are a useful way to measure intelligence.
Every year students must take and pass exams to finish high school or university. The whole process can be very stressful and draining physically and mentally. Exams test you on everything you should have learned over the years. In this essay, I’m going to discuss whether exams are a useful way to measure intelligence or do the results do not indicate student’s real potential.
To begin with, during exams, the students are quizzed on everything they have already been taught. Answering those questions shouldn’t be a hard task. With the results, we can judge how much we have understood, how much we are capable of and reflect on our mistakes. It is an efficient way to evaluate student’s skills and measure their knowledge.
Also, with the results, it is easier for universities to accept students, knowing their intelligence and capabilities.
On the other hand, the exam period is very stressful and time consuming. During the exam, because of anxiety, students tend to blackout and forget everything they have learned, making them fail.