European Parliament In Brussels

European Parliament in Brussels. Content. The European Union. The European Union Institutions. The European Parliament. Laws. Budget. Control. Defence of Liberty and Democracy. Structure of EP. Conclusion. Thank you! Literature.
What is European Union? The European Union Institutions; The European Parliament; Conclusion; Time for questions.
Guardian of liberties, human rights and democracy; Represent the citizens at EU level and defend their interests; The EP’s approval is required for most international agreements concluded by the EU; Election observers in countries around the world; Human rights are protected in the EU’s external economic and trade agreements.
A unique economic and political partnership; Created in 1957; Main objectives – transparency and democracy; Seven institutions; EP in Europe: works on EU‘s laws, budget and control; EP In World: works on human rights and democracy.
- Politics Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1493 KB
- 2015 m.
- English
- 14 pages (350 words)
- Greta