Etnology (2)

45 documents
Carnaval of Venice
Carnival of Venice. History of the Venetian Carnival. Takes place in. Venetian Carnival was. Carnival & Masquerade Balls. Carnival-celebrates days of. Venetian Carnival Today. Starts two weeks. Masks of the Venetian Carnival. Today masks are. The ...
Etnology, 10 pages
2017 04 18
Christmas in Sweden
Christmas in Sweden. Inbox. How begin Christmas Christmas tree Christmas tree in Stockholm Christmas Eve Christmas morning. How begin Christmas. Christmas begins in Sweden with the Saint Lucia ceremony. Chri smas ree. Christmas trees are usually ...
Etnology, 10 pages
2015 12 08
Christmas traditions in USA
Christmas traditions in USA. Christmas time . Every year more. City of lights. Weeks before Christmas, houses are decorated with coloured lights. The Christmas tree. It is usually. Traditional Christmas dinner. The traditional Christmas dinner ...
Etnology, 9 pages
2016 01 21
Existence of Bigfoot
Bigfoot. What is bigfoot? Bigfoot is an ape-like creature that is said to inhabit forests. Bigfoot’s history. The Bigfoot is. Fake or real? Most scientists consider the existence of Bigfoot a hoax. Proof of it being real. Bigfoot sightings ...
Etnology, 8 pages
2015 11 15
Lithuania presentation slides
Basics. President. Vytautas the Great. Lithuania reached the height of its power under his reign. Climate. Sports. Lithuania is well. Here are some of historical sites. Grand Duke Gediminas founded Vilnius in the13th century. Trakai castle. ...
Etnology, 82 pages
2016 11 09
Lithuanian independence day
Lithuanian independence day. What is it? Lithuanian national holiday for Lithuanian independence act commemoration. What happens on this day? In the main cities of Lithuania commemorations are held. What do people do? People don’t go. The ...
Etnology, 6 pages
2017 01 22
Lithuanian mythological creatures
Lithuanian mythological creatures. Perkūnas. Perkūnas is the most important Lithuanian god. Velnias. Velnias in Lithuanian folklore. Teliavelis. Teliavelis is known. Medeina. She is a ruler of forests, trees and animals. Saulė. Saulė is ...
Etnology, 8 pages
2016 05 17
Mayan civilization
Mayan civilization. By Brandon, Matt, Scott. Mayan Architecture. Of all the. Mayan Architecture cont. The Maya used. The Temple of the Giant Jaguar. The Pyramid of the Magician in Uxmal. Mayan Writing. Created a complex. Maya wrote using 800 ...
Etnology, 9 pages
2015 12 02
Nacional costume in Britain
National Costume in Britain. The work was done by Aistė and Gabrielė form. Scottish National Dress. One of the. Today traditional dress for men in Scotland is a kilt with shirt. Welsh National Dress. Welsh National dress is relatively young and ...
Etnology, 14 pages
2015 12 14
National identity
So all in all I think that national identity is really important even nowadays to keep our country untouchable and safe but still we have to show respect and to other cultures and I believe that in this way we can live peacefully and develop as ...
Etnology, 1 page
2017 02 23
Running of the bulls
Pamplona , Spain . San Fermin . Irunea Pamplona. Running of the bulls. San Fermin. The Encierro. The Running of the Bulls. Rockets in the bullring. A fence of 000 parts. The role of the pastores.
Etnology, 2 pages
2016 02 02
Scotland: national costume
Scotland national costume. Scotland’s plaids and kilts specific to Scottish culture. Here's how they look. Even before the Scottish national costume contributes a black and white tie and hat. Here's the scotland’s hats. It also national wore ...
Etnology, 12 pages
2015 12 12
Stonehenge. Stonehenge is a circle of large stading stones on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. It was built in prehistoric times. Work on the stone circle began in about 3100 BC. About a centry. It is not know exactly why Stonehenge was ...
Etnology, 8 pages
2015 12 03
Traditional costume French National Clothing
Traditional costume. French National Clothing. France is divided into many different regions. Women Jupon A garment very similar to a skirt. Sarafan. Traditional costumes of Germany. A man's traditional clothing is made from leather. Women's ...
Etnology, 8 pages
2016 01 06
What does Christmas mean to me
Christmas is such a wonderful time of a year; everyone runs around looking for presents, festive mood flows in the air, Christmas themed songs are sang in school , children ( and me ,even if I already am eighteen years old) are waiting for the ...
Etnology, 1 page
2016 03 02