Essentials Of Marketing

Essentials of Marketing. Project analysis slide. Market. The common usage of market means a place where goods are bought or sold. A place where buying and selling take place. Marketing is a human activity to satisfy needs and wants. The aim of. Marketing System. This system show that the manufacturers and the end users have no direct contact. Marketing Functions. The marketing functions are classified as under. Merchandising. Merchandising aims at. Distribution. It covers the methods to get the products to the market. Procedure for Price Determination. Every business organization follows its own policy in determining the prices of its products. Price moves up reasons. Price moves down reasons. Sales Promotion. Sales promotion methods aim to attract the customers and increase the sales volume. Sales Forecast. Forecasting is one of the important aspects of management. Advertising. Advertising is the. Advertising Media. Media or medium. Thank You.

Facilitating functions: Financing; Risk-bearing; Standardization; Market information; Promotion.

However, the following steps may generally be followed:.

Determining demand for the product; Predict and analyse the competitive reaction; Establish expected market share; Select pricing strategy Consider company’s marketing policies; Setting the price.

There is more demand but less supply. There are weak competitors. Buyers are eager to buy. Goods are non-perishable by nature.

There is more supply but less demand. There are strong competitors. Buyers are not eager to buy. Goods are perishable by nature.

To increase buying interest at the customers’ level; To attract new customers; To inform the public about the new product and its specialties, attraction and advantages;.

  • Marketing Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 1854 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 15 pages (617 words)
  • University
  • Laura
  • Essentials of Marketing
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Essentials of Marketing. (December 5, 2019). Reviewed on 16:31, March 6 2025