Essays (61)

1816 documents
Water pollution essay
My family and I rarely, but have to visit the lakes. Rarely, because there is not enough time to practice these facilities. Moreover, quite a lot of lakes and rivers are contaminated by Lithuania, most visitors who leave their trash to the water ...
Environment, 1 page
2017 05 04
Ways to make learning more interesting
Everyone has to study. It's must for your proper education. And the more you study, the closer you'll get to your dream job. And the better job you have the more money you have. I know that life isn‘t all about the money, but money makes you ...
Education, 1 page
2016 02 23
Ways to stop bullying
Bullying is an essential problem in our life. It has been around us all the time but hasn’t yet been managed to be withheld. Bullying isn’t something temporary that will stop at a certain time, it exists and is quite easily noticeable. In the ...
Sociology, 1 page
2017 03 08
We are what we eat
On the other hand, sometimes food can‘t say what we are. Some people have a very fast metabolism. These people can eat junk food and yet not be overweight. But junk food still will effect our organizm. We will still feel like ate to much and ...
Food, 1 page
2016 03 02
What are advantages and disadvantages of CV-writing services?
What are advantages and disadvantages of CV-writing services?.
Career, 1 page
2016 04 15
What can we do to live longer
in order to live longer, there are multiples things that we can do. One thing that we can do to live longer by keeping healthy. There are lots of ways that we can stay healthy one way in which we can stay healthy is through the use of exercise. ...
Health & Nutrition, 1 page
2015 12 07
What could be done to increase life expectancy
What could be done to increase life expectancy.
Lifestyle, 1 page
2016 04 17
What is essential if you want to succeed in 21st century job market
What is essential if you want to succeed in 21st century job market.
Career, 1 page
2016 01 27
What jobs require wearing uniforms
Thanks for your letter. Im glad that you write me about your exam, I hope my tips will be good for you.When i was having exams I was really scared too, so I always studying very hard, but the time I was studying was 1 hour and then I was ...
Career, 1 page
2016 04 18
What makes Lithunia attractive
All in all, Lithuania, like any other country, has its pros and cons, attractive and unattractive sides. But the tourists, who are coming to our small wonderland should definitely focus more on the better side of it. Lithuania has amazing places ...
Culture, 1 page
2016 09 16
What will life be like in 2050
Hello my name is and today i will be talking about what will life be like in.
Lifestyle, 1 page
2016 01 31
Which problem would you like to solve, and what are the solutions that you propose
Which problem would you like to solve, and what are the solutions that you propose.
Ethics, 1 page
2017 03 16
Why is education important?
The famous South African activist Nelson Mandela had said that education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. And he was right. No one can do amazing things before actually learning them. And that is the reason why ...
Education, 1 page
2017 05 14
Why is the modern view of progress so impoverished?
Why is the modern view of progress so impoverished.
Culture, 2 pages
2016 05 20
Why some people like to spend a lot of money on their pets?
Why some people like to spend a lot of money on their pets?
Pet, 1 page
2015 10 08
Wind turbine
Consist of : electrisity grid, tower, wind orientation control system, generator, anemometer, mechanical break, gearbox, rotor blade, rotor hubtower: Tower tall is about 100 meters all tower consist of several platforms which pupose is ...
Physics, 1 page
2016 12 11
World environment day
Moreover, bigger sources of pollution are factories that pollute the environment. Factories pollute the air by pumping out chemicals that are harmful for all of us. Air pollution caused by factories is one of the leading causes of climate change, ...
Environment, 1 page
2015 10 22
Would we all be better off without technologies
Would we all be better off without technologies Talking about computers and internet. Ilona Brantova Leidybos 1 gr.
Ethics, 1 page
2016 03 02