Essays (31)

1816 documents
Street music festival in Vilnius essay
Every summer, the eagerly-awaited Street music festival welcomes everyone who is creating music, who is playing every sort of music. This festival was created by very famous artist Andrius Mamontavas. This festival was created to show people how ...
Music, 1 page
2018 12 11
Stress and relaxation in nowadays life essay
Stress and relaxation in nowadays life. Being unhappy in your job. Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility. Working long hours. Having to give speeches in front of colleagues. Speech or presentation. Poor sleep schedule. Laugh Out ...
Psichology, 3 pages
2020 11 18
Student's motivation essay
Which has more positive impact on academic achievements at school a student’s self motivation or a motivating teacher.
Education, 1 page
2021 03 17
Students encounter many issues today
Almost every person in the world is more or less stressed by having different issues and problems in their life. Students are no different , nowadays when there is a global pandemic outside the window students have to confront new kind of ...
Education, 1 page
2021 01 09
Students involved in school discussions
Nowadays there are many discussions about children and when they become adults. Most people think that a young person could not solve problems and make responsible decisions. Others claim that scholars are grown-ups enough to cope with some ...
Education, 1 page
2019 10 06
Study abroad and experience essay
I am sure that most of us have thought about studying abroad and how the whole experience goes. It sounds great and fun. What is so good about it? But at the same time, nothing is perfect. What about all the bad sides?I was lucky enough to ...
Education, 1 page
2020 06 09
Study Abroad essay
These days most high-schoolers are seriously considering studying abroad, because of the limited availability of opportunities at home, however, only a small portion of them end up actually realizing this dream of theirs. Thus, the question of ...
Education, 1 page
2020 01 14
Study Environment essay
First of all, let’s take a look at this pie chart that indicates main factors that make study environment perfect. Already from the first look at the chart we can clearly see that there are three trending factors which have 25 percent each. ...
Education, 1 page
2022 05 17
Study methods opinion essay
However learning by yourself has advantages too. Many in-home study programs not only give the information but also encourages students to search for multiple sources on the web or in books. This practice makes students learn how to teach ...
Education, 1 page
2019 05 10
Studying abroad essay
Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.
Education, 1 page
2020 04 30
Studying in a foreign country essay
After that, it seems to me that it is usefull for school leaver to get some work experience for a number of reaons. So first and foremost, it is a great chance to enhance your CV. For example, if you work in a foreign environment, your ...
Education, 1 page
2017 12 08
Studying online essay
Firstly studying on the internet is very convenient. It can be done anywhere and anytime, you just need to have a computer or a phone. There are many websites that allow you to study online, but they all are not as good as others. However ...
Education, 1 page
2020 06 09
Surgery in the past essay
Medicine has advanced in today's globe. Only professional doctors are authorized to perform surgeries on patients, and the operating tools are sterile, but what did surgery look like a few hundred years ago? A large number of people were present ...
Medicine, 1 page
2021 06 11
Tackling environmental problems essay
Another way to help our planet would be to reduce car emissions. It is not necessary to drive with a car or a bus everywhere, we can switch to walking or riding a bicycle for shorter distances. In this case we would reduce air ...
Environment, 2 pages
2021 03 15
Taking a gap year after finishing school essay
What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year after finishing school?
Education, 1 page
2022 06 03
Tattoos essay: Should tattoos be viewed negatively?
Tattoo culture has been around for milleania, and has gone through several phases of change in forms of expression. The oldest known practice of tattooing comes from Ancient Egypt, where Pharaos and other high ranking members of Egyptian society ...
Lifestyle, 2 pages
2022 03 31
Team leader
Forbes What great leaders have that good leaders don't. Management study guide Com role of team leader. References.
Management, 3 pages
2019 10 12
Technological advancement has made it possible for people to change their children's DNA Shall it become a common practice?
Technological advancement has made it possible for people to change their children's DNA Shall it become a common practice?
Medicine, 1 page
2019 06 04
Technologies importance to the learning process
Technologies are of a great importance to the learning process.
Education, 1 page
2022 05 30
Technologies make learning more effective Do you agree?
Technologies make learning more effective Do you agree?
Education, 1 page
2021 05 31
Technology essay: Modern technology has made life much better for most people in the developed world
Modern technology has made life much better for most people in the developed world.
Technology, 1 page
2022 03 31
Technology revolution in human life essay
Technology today has made revolution in human life. Everything changed, daily life becoming more easier and human live much longer
Technology, 1 page
2018 02 19
Technology to prevent diseases in babies essay
We should use all the technology we have in order to prevent diseases in babies.
Technology, 1 page
2022 05 13
Teenagers and parents essay
One of the biggest problems that teenagers deal with has to be fights with their parents. With so many expectations and desires from both sides, getting along can seem nearly impossible. Parents want what is best for their child, but teenagers ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2018 03 17
Television has a negative effect on family / friends relationships
Television has a negative effect on family / friends relationships.
Sociology, 1 page
2019 05 26
Telšiai Yeshibot – Rabbinical school
In 1875, in small town - Telšiai there was built one of the largest Rabbinical school in the entire world!The Rabbinical School was founded by Ichakas Yakov Openheim, Meiras Atlas, Zalman Abel and financially contributing German Jew from ...
Geography, 3 pages
2020 06 10
The advantages and disadvantages of getting the news from the Internet
The advantages and disadvantages of getting the news from the Internet.
Internet, 1 page
2022 05 05
The advantages and disadvantages of learning from home
The advantages and disadvantages of learning from home.
Education, 1 page
2022 02 06
The advantages and disadvantages of owning a car essay
The advantages and disadvantages of owning a car.
Transport, 1 page
2020 06 11
The advantages and disadvantages of travelling by bicycle
The advantages and disadvantages of travelling by bicycle.
Travel, 1 page
2021 06 01