Essays (16)

1816 documents
Essay on mobile phones and always being in contact
For/against essay the advantages and disadvantages of always being in contact.
Mobile, 1 page
2022 05 11
Essay on Mobile phones for learning
In past few years we started using our mobile phones for almost everything: calling, messaging, shopping, taking photos, searching for information, and even learning. Phones made our lives easier, with them we can do a lot of different things ...
Education, 1 page
2022 05 17
Essay on Modern technologies
The world is enterring the age of globalization and modern technologies are taking a significant role in our lives. There are people who think that modern technologies are of great importance to learning process.Firstly, modern ...
Technology, 1 page
2018 11 17
Essay on music I like
So my topic for today is music. Music is very important part of our lifes as it can transform our emotions and feelings, lessen the stress, pain, struggle, it can be a distraction or bring positivity and calmness in our daily life. Music holds ...
Music, 1 page
2022 05 12
Essay on Online dating
Online dating advantages and disadvantages.
Culture, 2 pages
2019 04 18
Essay on online learning
Advantages and disadvantages of online learning.
Education, 1 page
2022 03 31
Essay on online shopping
Essay on online shopping: The advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.
Sales, 1 page
2022 04 30
Essay On Principles Of Ecology
Ecology is closely related to environmental studies. There are plenty of diversity even within the discipline. From statistical ecologists, marine ecologists, environmental ecologists, and many other subjects share or borrow terms with ecology. ...
Ecology, 3 pages
2022 05 18
Essay on Recycling household waste
The following pie chart shows how much persent material was collected from households for recycling in England. So Im going to interpret the data of the graph. This pie chart partitioning into five sections. Every chart section is showing how ...
Environment, 1 page
2018 02 19
Essay on Seasons and weather
In summer individuals invest much energy in the outside. They discover time to go to the backwoods, to swim in the waterway, to sunbathe. Fall comes in September. Early fall is as yet the collect time, the time when the foods grown from the ...
Environment, 1 page
2018 11 23
Essay on Smart buildings
Hello, today I will be talking about smart buildings. So, the purpose of this presentation firstly is to address the definition of a smart building, secondly, get to know the features of such buildings. thirdly, quickly look through some of their ...
Real Estate, 3 pages
2022 04 30
Essay on Smart phones - a curse or a blessing?
Essay on Smart phones - a curse or a blessing?.
Technology, 1 page
2020 11 17
Essay on smoking: Smoking should be banned in all public places
Smoking should be banned in all public places.
Health & Nutrition, 2 pages
2021 09 20
Essay on Social media toxicity
The increased use of social media has given teens unlimited access to pictures of the “ideal” body, therefore, giving them more to compare themselves to. So many young girls develop eating disorders, desire to change their body to look ...
Social Media, 1 page
2022 05 20
Essay on Studies
Today I was given a topic about studies. The provided bar chart illustrates the number of male students who were studying STEM courses at Lithuania’s universities every two years from 2012 to 2018. Overall, there is a noticeable contrast ...
Education, 1 page
2022 05 12
Essay on studying abroad
Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.
Education, 1 page
2018 04 03
Essay on studying online
Advantages and disadvantages of studying online.
Education, 1 page
2022 04 08
Essay on Sugar: habits and dangers
The author of the article states a stunning fact, that not only laboratory rats are dependent on sugar, but also people around the western civilization have serious addiction to sugar problems. Sugar is already used not only as a sweetener, but ...
Health & Nutrition, 1 page
2018 03 17
Essay on technologies: Which emerging technologies will be the most popular in the future?
Which emerging technologies will be the most popular in the future?
Technology, 1 page
2022 05 05
Essay on technology: Modern technology has changed so many aspects in our daily lives, but has it really made our lives easier?
Modern technology has changed so many aspects in our daily lives, but has it really made our lives easier?
Technology, 1 page
2022 04 02
Essay on topic about volunteering
Essay It should be mandatory for all young people to volunteer to help the environment.
Sociology, 1 page
2019 02 18
Essay on Travelling the world
Speaking about myself I would like to visit Japan . The first reason why I would like visit this country is my whish to see something new in that contry . The second reason is my whistto meet new people and make friends . Fathermore traveling of ...
Travel, 1 page
2022 05 04
Essay on vegetarian pros and cons
In the future more and more people will become vegetarian What would be the pros and cons of giving up meat?
Lifestyle, 1 page
2022 05 14
Essay on War: Ukraine’s position today
I have never thought that in 21st century I will witness war. I have never thought that my generation will feel the fear of war. Ukraine’s position today is very tragic. Innocent people are dying just because Russia’s president Vladimir Putin ...
Military, 1 page
2022 05 21
Essay on Youth criminality and ways to solve it
Youth criminality – worldwide is one of the most pressing social problems. This is not a particularly good thing. For example, those who have committed crimes in his youth is a high probability that the crime will do in the future.There ...
Law, 1 page
2017 12 19
Essay suggesting a solutions to a problem
Rubbish in the streets is one of the biggest problems in our environment. People do not think when they throw something away at streets. Throwing rubbish on the streets has always been a problem to environment, but still many people are ...
Environment, 1 page
2020 11 17
Essay virtual classrooms
School classes are over, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Students have been learning in virtual classrooms since April 2020. There are some overwhelming advantages and some unfavourable circumstances which school leavers gain.While ...
Education, 2 pages
2021 02 10
Essay What chalanges will future generations face?
What chalanges will future generations face?
Politics, 2 pages
2019 03 27
Essay What to do after graduating from high school?
What to do after graduating from high school?
Education, 1 page
2020 01 31
Essay: „Live as if you were to die today Learn as if you were to live forever” Mahatma Gandhi
„Live as if you were to die today Learn as if you were to live forever” Mahatma Gandhi, essay.
Philosophy, 2 pages
2020 02 11