Essay On War: Ukraine’s Position Today

Essay on War: Ukraine’s position today.
I have never thought that in 21st century I will witness war. I have never thought that my generation will feel the fear of war. Ukraine’s position today is very tragic. Innocent people are dying just because Russia’s president Vladimir Putin decided to attack Ukraine in order for her to be cooperate with Russia. Russia has to understand that Ukraine is an independent country, and they will not give up to Russia’s pressure. Ukrainian’s will not stop fighting. Russia is convincing their people that Ukraine is the enemy and every civil believes that. Of course there are people that don’t believe it, but they can’t do anything about it. If they start protesting they are put in to the prison. That is so unfair, I can’t believe that this is happening. First days of the war I was distancing myself from social media because every post I was seeing was about the situation in Ukraine, and I was feeling very overwhelmed and scared, I was and still am thinking about what if Ukraine gives up and then Russia will want to attack us.