Essay: How Do Men And Women Relate To One Another?

How do men and women relate to one another. Sources and references.
Since ancient times, women were considered the most beautiful and tender creatures, and men were representatives of the strong gender. Therefore, many of the men went to war, and women stayed at home, watched over the property and raised children. Moreover, only men had the right to study. Women from poor families did not have any access to education. Furthermore, it was believed that if a woman is beautiful and intelligent, she would be a wonderful wife. It was also believed that cheating is in every woman’s nature. In former times women were at the lower position in the society. During the Elizabethan era, women were considered as a property of men: if a girl was born, she belonged to her father; after the marriage, she was under the influence of her husband. A lot of turmoil was in the society due to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558–1603) as well. She was called The Virgin Queen due to the fact that she was not married and had no children. These historical factors influenced the works of Shakespeare. His comedian play “Much ado about nothing” has a hidden meaning and is secretly making fun out of the society.
- Psichology Essays
- Microsoft Word 23 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 5 pages (1315 words)
- University
- Keitė