Essay About Social Media Is Bad For Me

Essay about Social Media is bad for me.
Alright, so what even is social media? Social Media, refers to a computer-based technology, that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts and information through virtual networks and communities. Social Media is useful in modern day society, because it can provide entertainment, easy access to information, a way for people to express themselves online and meet likeminded people that can bond and relate with their passions and ambitions. Although it might seem like social media is this all-holy heaven sent, there are some definite downsides that come with all of the benefits that it provides, so what are they?
Social media is home to all kinds of dangers, where people get harassed, made fun of and more on the daily. Let’s take TikTok as an example, over 1.8 billion people use TikTok worldwide daily. It’s become one of the most known apps and a household name in the past few years. Kids, teenagers, and adults alike, are hopping on the app now more than ever, and posting unique content based on their preferences and tastes. Unfortunately, this opens up endless possibilities for people to poke fun of or outright harass certain people, based on the content they’re making.
- Social Media Essays
- Microsoft Word 12 KB
- 2022 m.
- English
- 1 page (590 words)
- College
- Darijus