Essay About Literature

Literature is a way of art in which people can express their feelings with words. Sometimes a feeling can be expressed in hundreds of words, sometimes one is enough. As a reader I would like to introduce you to this form of art that one may not even call an art. But this craft I’d say is the most commonly used in everyday life. We use words everywhere, so we create something more or less worth recognition each time.
The history of civilization follows closely to the development of civilization. Ancient civilizations had their own specific style of writings. For example, Ancient Egypt had hieroglyphs and Sumerian civilization had their writing written on clay tablets. Ancient civilizations used to write hymns, prayers and tales, described their everyday life and everything was written in verse. These two civilizations I previously mentioned are considered to have created the first literature of the world.
- Literature Essays
- Microsoft Word 12 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 2 pages (746 words)
- Gymnasium
- Gintarė