Essay About Freedom

Essay about Freedom.
I think no one would disagree to call 21st century the century of overall freedom. There was no other time in history when such a great percentage of population, no matter race or gender, had a right to own property, vote, talk freely, get educated and to believe in whatever they want. Our freedom has gone to such an extent that we can even legally change our gender, critisize religion and the goverment and openly talk about our sexuality. And although a lot of us take this STATUS QUO as normal, unfascinating thing, we forget how many men have bitten the dust to get to where we are today. So what is freedom and what does it take to be free.
13th century Scotland was great and independent until King Alexander III died. Then the English rule started and that is where Academy award winning movie “Braveheart“ takes off. In 1280, King Edward invades Scotland and young William Wallace quickly witnesess the new goverment – he sees Scottish nobles hanged and buries his own father and older brother. William leaves the country with his uncle, gets educated and after many years already as an adult returns to Scotland, witnesess the cruel and unjustice English rule AGAIN and after execution of his wife he now knows that he will dedicate his life for freedom. So what exactly is freedom to William Wallace? That is what I want to analyse.
First of all, I want to emphasize that William Wallace never wanted to fight, he wanted a peaceful sedetary life and he promised it to his Murron‘s father before she was killed. It means that he believes that every person no matter his social status is born free and has no right LIMIT another‘s freedom.