Environmental Issues Are Harmful Effects Of Human Activity On The Biophysical Environment

Environmental issues are harmful effects of human activity on the biophysical environment.
Major current environmental issues may include climate change, pollution, environmental degradation, and resource depletion etc. The conservation movement lobbies for protection of endangered species and protection of any ecologically valuable natural areas, genetically modified foods and global warming.
Environment destruction caused by humans is a global problem, and this is a problem that is on going every day. By year 2050, the global human population is expected to grow by 2 billion people, thereby reaching a level of 9.6 billion people. The human effects on Earth can be seen in many different ways. A main one is the temperature rise, and according to the report ”Our Changing Climate”, the global warming that has been going on for the past 50 years is primarily due to human activities.
- Environment Essays
- Microsoft Word 11 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 1 page (270 words)
- Gymnasium
- Lukas