Environment (7)

253 documents
Acid Rains
Acid Rains. Definition. Acid rain. Causes. Acid rain is. Consequences. The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in aquatic environments. Solutions. Because nitrogen oxides are created in the process of burning coal and OIL. Thank ...
Environment, 6 pages
2018 10 04
Air pollution project
Air pollution. Driving cars. Traveling by trains. Flying by planes. Shiping. Ride more bikes. Ride more skateboards. Or public transport. Factories. Greenhous gases. Planting trees. Smog. Smoke from house. Go by bikes to the school.
Environment, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Clean water
Clean Water. Reduce Death and Diseases. Water Pollution. Types of Water Pollution. Chemical Water Pollution. Nutrients and their effect on water. Suspended Matter. Effects on Humans. Effects on Animals. Summary. Sources.
Environment, 14 pages
2018 11 13
Cutting down on waste essay
And finally, recycle. Recycling gives the item a second life. Clear out your wardrobe and throw sell or donate the clothes that you no longer like or perhaps don’t fit you anymore. Also, remember to check the back of any packaging to see if the ...
Environment, 1 page
2022 04 26
Deforestation of the Amazon rainforest
Deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. Let’s talk about today’s content. What is the. Amazon rainforest? Biodiversity. Conservation of the Amazon rainforest. What effects are we seeing now? What can we do now? Thank you!
Environment, 9 pages
2022 05 19
Deforestation project
Deforestation. Deforestation clearance. Deforestation occurs for. Deforestation is a contributor to global warming. Deforestation reduces the. Due to surface. Deforestation on a human scale results in decline in biodiversity. Deforestation also ...
Environment, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Ecosystem: Questions and answers
How do land plants generate the energy they need for their metabolic energy. What do they do with excess energy? Where do scavengers maitėdos in an ecosystem obtain their energy from. How can scavenging be a beneficial strategy for an organism. ...
Environment, 2 pages
2019 06 06
Endangered animal species presentation
Endangered animal species. Red list of threatened species categories. Percents of threatening animal. Destruction of habitat. Pollution. Illegal hunting. The last northern white rhino male. Diseases. Animals which already have gone from this ...
Environment, 22 pages
2022 03 31
Endangered species project
Endangered species. What are Endangered Species. They are plants. Top 10 most endangered species. Hawksbill Turtle. Big leaf mahogany. Green Cheeked Parrot. Mako Shark. Causes of endangerment. Introduction of Exotic Species Overexploitation ...
Environment, 16 pages
2018 10 04
If we want to save the future of the planet, we will have to drastically change our way of life. What is your opinion? These days. In the first place. In the second place. In the other hand.
Environment, 1 page
2019 03 31
Fire Tornadoes
Fire Tornadoes. Fire whirl. A fire whirl – also known as a fire devil. Fire tornado. Fire tornadoes can reach 90 meters tall and burn at more than. Formation. A fire whirl. Is a firenado dangerous? Fire whirls can. The winds generated by a fire ...
Environment, 9 pages
2017 12 08
Forest fire
Forest Fire. What is a forest fire? Causes of forest fires. The three types of forest fires. What are the effects of forest fires? How you can prevent forest fires? Thank you for your attention.
Environment, 7 pages
2018 11 15
Fukushima Accident
Fukushima Accident. Fukushima Accident. The Great East Japan Earthquake of magnitude. Eleven reactors at four nuclear power plants in the region were operating at the time and all shut down automatically when the quake hit. The two Fukushima ...
Environment, 6 pages
2018 01 09
Global warming - why it is important to us?
Global warming“. Content. How will it change the lifes we live ? The topic. Why it is important to us? Animals and plants. Rising sea levels. Temperature rise. Humans are largely responsible for recent climate change. Conclusion.
Environment, 13 pages
2018 02 19
Greenhouse effect presentation
Greenhouse Effect. Global Heat Budget. Greenhouse Effect. The Greenhouse Effect works like a Greenhouse. Is the Greenhouse Effect. Good or Bad? Consider the Greenhouse effect on other planets. Global Warming. Causes an increase in Greenhouse ...
Environment, 20 pages
2018 04 03
Greenpeace presentation
Greenpeace is a. Greenpeace was founded by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe. Greenpeace states its. The global organization does not accept funding from governments. Greenpeace consists of Greenpeace International (officially Stichting Greenpeace ...
Environment, 9 pages
2019 06 13
How can trade preserve the earth?
How can trade preserve the earth? Content. Importance -Chosen company -Used methods -Is it working? -My advice. Chosen company and used methods. My opinion and is it working? Conclusion. Thank you for your time!
Environment, 7 pages
2022 03 31
How does plastic affect the environment?
How does plastic affect the environment. According to environmentalists. According to the forecasts of the British Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Plastic accounts for 80 percent of all waste in the oceans. The result is. Sources of pollution. ...
Environment, 9 pages
2022 02 06
Natural disasters types
Natural disasters. Natural Disasters types. Tornadoes and Severe Storms. Hurricanes and Tropical Storms. Floods. Wildfires. Earthquakes. Drought. The 2005 kashmir earthquake. On Oct. ,2005, Kashmir in Pakistan was hit by a. The 2004 Indian Ocean ...
Environment, 6 pages
2022 06 04
Non-renewable and renewable resources
Non-renewable and renewable resources. Energy sources. Non-renewable resource is. Non-renewable resources. Coal petroleum. Coal, petroleum, and gas. Nuclear fission uses uranium to create energy. Nuclear energy. Coal. Oil. Solar. Solar energy is. ...
Environment, 14 pages
2019 05 20
Our environment presentation
Our Environment. What is the environment? The environment is something you are very familiar with. In recent years. Our planet is changing. Here’s a list. Electricity. About electricity Electricity is a form. How to help? Lights out! Turning. ...
Environment, 8 pages
2018 11 17
Plastic pollution presentation
Plastic pollution. What is plastic pollution? How Long Does It Take Plastic to Decompose? It kills animals. It is Poisonous. It is Expensive. Effective Solutions to Plastic Pollution. Thank you for your attention.
Environment, 9 pages
2019 05 06
Pollution and Landfills slides
Pollution and Landfills.What is pollution and landfill? Pollution- the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination with man-made waste. Problem. Solution. Use more public transport or start recyling instead of using car. ...
Environment, 8 pages
2018 10 04
Presentation about global warming
Presentation about global warming. What Is Global Warming? Global warming is. The Greenhouse Effect. The greenhouse effect is when the temperature goes up. Causes of Global Warming. Electrical pollution is a main cause for Global Warming. Results ...
Environment, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Presentation about Water pollution
Water Pollution. What is water pollution? Types of water pollution. Surface water pollution Groundwater Pollution Chemical water pollution. The causes of water pollution. Ocean and marine dumping Atmospheric Industrial water Sewage and ...
Environment, 9 pages
2019 03 18
Recycling should be Mandatory
Obviously, recycling is one of the most effective measures in order to stop global warming, since many domestic waste can be processed. In such a way we would save our planet for future generations. Still some people seem to be against recycling. ...
Environment, 1 page
2018 10 12
Reducing carbon footprint essay
Don‘t litter: repair old items to extend their longevity, sort waste, use reusable bags.Plant: go to plant trees, it not only decorate the environment, but also help reduce the greenhouse effect.Join organizations: by joining ...
Environment, 1 page
2022 03 31
Should people use animals for entertainment?
Should people use animals for entertainment?
Environment, 1 page
2017 12 08
The Impact of Air Pollution
Utena University of Applied Sciences. The Faculty of Business and Technologies. Ecology and Environmental Studies. Green gases and climate changes. What is the pollution? The pollution types. Effect of greenhouse gases. So. ? Sources.
Environment, 7 pages
2018 12 04
Water footprints
Water footprints. Water footprint. The water foot print shows the extent of water use in relation to consumption by people. Why should you care water footprint? Fresh water. World water day. Ever year on 22 march day international world water ...
Environment, 6 pages
2019 06 06