The topic of my talks is water pollution. I am going to inteprent the data of the chart. The number of volunteers partisipeiting in the river cleanup day was the hajest in the world in 2019, reaching as many forty thousand. In two thousand and ...
Environment, 1 page
2022 03 31
Excess waste is a constant, widespread problem and can affect not only humans, but also animals and plants. One of the outcomes of overflowing garbage is air pollution, which causes various diseases and other adverse health effects. Overflowing ...
Environment, 2 pages
2022 03 31
Fifty years on. Fifty years on the climate will change, it will be warming every time. Fifty yeaRS ON the Houses will be made of glass. Fifty years on people at work will be less work. Fifty years on of street lighting be trees and shrubs. Fifty ...
Environment, 14 pages
2017 12 19
Friends of earth. Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) is an international network of environmental organizations in 74 countries. The founding it. The current campaign priorities of Friends of the Earth internationally are] economic ...
Environment, 5 pages
2020 06 07
Global issues. Economic. The most pressing global issues. One of the global issues – ageing population. Population is ageing because of declining fertility rates and rising life expectancy. Scientists have estimated. Due to negative. Not all ...
Environment, 13 pages
2022 03 31
Global issues. Climate change. Climate change How do we know? The evidence for rapid climate change is compelling. What’s the difference between climate change and global warming? What is the greenhouse effect? Future effects. Is it too late to ...
Environment, 9 pages
2020 04 03
The first Global Issue is food shortage and poverty. There are more than 1.3 billion people that are living in poverty. Some families get in to this state, because they had to evacuate after an earthquake, a flood or even after a volcanic ...
Environment, 1 page
2019 12 02
Thank you Erika, now I would like to focus on natural resources getting process and types of natural resources. These are key words. We try to get natural resources from the earth. They are limited and process when we trying to get them from the ...
Environment, 1 page
2020 06 20
Global warming and climate change. What Is Climate Change? Climate change is. Why Is Climate Change a Problem? Over millions of. Climate change is causing an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events. Rising temperatures are causing sea ...
Environment, 11 pages
2022 04 14
Global warming. What is global warming? What causes global warming? Why is it important to stop global warming? But. How to prevent? Is there a way to a solution? Who should deal with global warming? Governments or individuals? The governments ...
Environment, 9 pages
2022 05 12
Global warming. What global warming is. Global warming is a process when earth temperature is geting high. Greenhouse effect. There is. What increases the level of co₂. Smoke from cars. Smoke from factories. Burning oil. From forest fires. ...
Environment, 8 pages
2019 01 08
Green Logistics. Why green logistics? Environmental issues have become major issues all over the world. Benefits of Green. Major Environmental problems.
Environment, 7 pages
2021 06 04
How it would be possible to show the world about an endangered environment?
Environment, 1 page
2022 04 04
We all know that there are many endangered species throughout the world. A number of these species are at a risk of extinction and are being threatened by humans and human activity. Like overhunting, land development, overfishing . So what can ...
Environment, 1 page
2020 06 10
How to reduce pollution in the world? Content. Introduction. The most polluted cities in the world. The most polluted air on the planet. Plastic bags damage to the environment. How many times people use plastic bags for food? How You Can ...
Environment, 22 pages
2019 03 06
Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. So, first off all, why we cannot change negative impact that we causing for animals and plants. Unlike in the past. In each day the number of people in world is ...
Environment, 1 page
2018 02 22
Hazardous waste. What is hazardous waste? Hazardous waste is. It is a byproduct of a wide range of activities. A hazardous substance. Hazardous wastes can originate from Households Local areas Industrial. Hazardous waste treatment. Hazardous ...
Environment, 11 pages
2020 04 23
Global warming. Data. Content. What is global. What is global warming? Since the Industrial. What causes global warming. Global warming occurs. Impact of global warming. Disappearing glaciers. How to stop it? Consume less energy Use. Thank you ...
Environment, 7 pages
2022 03 31
Invisible environmental problems have already made irreversible changes to our planet, haven’t they? Essay.
Environment, 2 pages
2020 11 09
What Happens Inside a Landfill? Introduction. Structure of a landfill. Leachate. The impact landfills have on global warming. Landfills and recycling. Summary. My opinion on the problem. Article that I used.
Environment, 9 pages
2022 05 02
According to the statistics, the majority 44% of litter by type is food wrappers and containers. 30% of litter by type is beverage bottles (plastic and glass). Also from chart we see that 14% of litter by type takes bags (plastic and paper). The ...
Environment, 1 page
2019 02 28
Littering is an escalating issue in the modern world that we live in today What are effective means to the eradication of the littering phenomenon?
Environment, 1 page
2020 06 10
Lösungen für Umweltprobleme. Klimawandel. Der erste Weg, um den Klimawandel zu stoppen. Luftverschmutzung. Die Umstellung auf. Plastikverschmutzung. Um die Verschmutzung von Kunststoffen effizient zu reduzieren. Entwaldung. Wiederaufforstung ...
Environment, 6 pages
2019 05 10
Luftverschmutzung. Inhalt. Probleme bei der Luftverschmutzung. Was bedeutet die Luftverschmutzung für Menschen und Tiere? Probleme in der schule und zu hause. Wo und mit wen möchtest du das beschprechen? Ideen, Vorschläge gegen die ...
Environment, 9 pages
2021 01 25
“Microplastics in the ocean and our daily life”. Title. Why i have. Why i have chosen this topic? Baltic Sea Summer Camp 2017 Consequences for marine life and health. What is microplastics? Less than 5mm Consist of carbon and hydrogen atoms ...
Environment, 6 pages
2019 11 06
The theme of my talk is about the environment. And firstly, I’d like to talk about the given bar chart of Adults in the European Union who support the environmental action of planting trees in their town. The provided bar chart shows the ...
Environment, 2 pages
2021 02 22
Pollution disturbs the balance of our ecosystems, affect our normal lifestyles and gives rise to human illnesses and global warming. With the development of science and technology, there has been a huge growth of human potentials. So, it is very ...
Environment, 1 page
2020 06 09
Today I’m going to talk about recycling waste. This pie chart tells us about the recycling electronic waste. There are four sections illustrating different responses of the people on this question. Overall, most of the people answered that they ...
Environment, 1 page
2022 03 31