Environment Pollution

Environment pollution.

8) rapidly decomposing organic matter; 9) persistent organic compounds; 10)oxidizing agents (ozone, etc.,) In addition, chemical pollution is often divided into primary and secondary pollutants. Primary, it is those who enter directly into the environment from pollution sources. Secondary pollutants are formed from primary pollutants, linking them with other primary pollutants and natural substances. A typical secondary pollutant ozone is underground, which results in ozone precursors rather complex photochemical reactions. It should be noted that the distribution of contaminants in primary and secondary is pretty relative. Part of the chemical pollutants may be both primary and secondary. For example, sulfuric and nitric acids as a secondary air pollutant formed from sulfur and nitrogen oxides, but the acids are released into the environment with industrial waste water as the primary pollutants. Nutrients (nitrates, phosphates) as a primary pollutants enter the water from agricultural land, but substantial amounts of their secondary pollutant formed through decomposition of organic matter. Natural emissions are actually different nature and different wavelength, or elementary particle flow. With regard to environmental pollution are routinely the natural group of pollutants: 1. radioactive contamination; 2. noise pollution (noise); 3.thermal pollution. Dangerous to humans and other organisms, of course, the radioactive contamination. Since the earth contains many radioactive isotopes, in addition, certain amounts of radiation within the earth from space is at a certain level of radioactive emission, as to a certain level of natural man-made environmental pollution, all living organisms on earth is an evolutionary adapted. Dangerous to humans and other living organisms, anthropogenic sources of radioactive contamination of the two - explosions of nuclear weapons (including nuclear weapons testing) and the nuclear power plant accident. Significant adverse effects on human health and makes a large noise. Of increased traffic, airborne contamination of the environment is increasing, and it became serious, not only in large cities, but the problem dwellers. It is interesting to note that the assessment of highway impacts on human health of chemical air pollution levels rarely exceed the standards, and a loud noise often causes serious problems. Another more serious problem of noise pollution are the airport environment. Even this small airport, which is in Palanga, Palanga almost every city is a major airborne environmental contamination in the area. Thermal pollution poses a major threat to water bodies, which are used as energy facilities coolers. In particular, the sharp nature of the problems caused by nuclear power plants. Typical adverse effects of thermal pollution is an example Drūkščių lake. On the impact of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in the average temperature of the lake Drūkščių rose a few degrees of the cause of the massive changes in lake ecosystems and their degradation. As a secondary effect of thermal pollution and the upsurge can be seen in this lake eutrophication. And it's only for two units of energy impact. It is not difficult to imagine how tragic this is a great like fate would have been if the construction and operation of all six reactors are designed. Biological pollution is often characterized by surface waters. Biological contaminants are usually identified in various human and animal health, other harmful micro-organisms, mostly bacteria. Biological contaminants are secondary in nature, it is dangerous for these microorganisms are often produced by a large vandems contamination of organic matter. With such a dangerous phenomenon, which organic waste contamination of water bodies is dangerous infectious diseases ( cholera, hepatitis, etc..) fireplaces, still facing the medieval city. In addition, biological contaminants, and sometimes referred to as "introduced from other regions of plant and animal species that have often proved more competitive than native species and their invasion of the dangerous affects of the natural plant and animal communities. 1.2 The main sources of pollution All pollution sources according to their origin can be divided into natural and anthropogenic. The main natural sources of environmental pollution are the following: 1) volcanic eruptions; 2) forest fires; 3) dead organic matter decay processes; 4) the mineral and organic material leaching from the soil; 5) natural soil erosion; 6) precipitation; 7) Sea. More would like to talk about the anthropogenic sources of pollution. Anthropogenic sources of pollution, in particular, are divided into two broad categories: 1) stationary sources of pollution;

  • Environment Papers
  • Microsoft Word 51 KB
  • 2016 m.
  • English
  • 27 pages (9774 words)
  • Airė
  • Environment pollution
    10 - 2 votes
Environment pollution. (March 29, 2016). https://documents.exchange/environment-pollution/ Reviewed on 13:10, March 6 2025