
Entrepreneurship what is entrepreneurship. Characteristics traits of entrepreneurs. Mental ability and Creativity. Good communication skills. Traits of successful entrepreneurs Ability to plan. Functions of entrepreneur Six themes of 24 steps to a successful startup. Components of a business environment.

Communication skills: entrepreneurs should be able to explain, discuss, sell and market their good or services.

Business Environment is divided in two sections – internal and external.

External environments are divided in two sections also – Micro environment and macro environment.

Opportunity – a favorable condition in the organization’s environment enabling it to strengthen it’s position.

Expectations – some interested groups have demands based on their concern for issues. These demands are expectations.

In my opinion, I agree with all the articles I found, that entrepreneur/entrepreneurship doesn’t have an exact definition. But I think the best definition would be this – „an entrepreneur is a person who is action oriented, highly motivated, takes risks to achieve goals“. Also, entrepreneurship definitely has way more steps than those 24 I found, so before thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, the person has to do some research, and then take the risk. Since an entrepreneur is made, not born. All the traits and characterisics can be gained, though of course we are born with some of them already.

  • Business & Entrepreneurship Individual works
  • Microsoft Word 388 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 11 pages (1877 words)
  • College
  • Aurelija
  • Entrepreneurship
    10 - 3 votes
Entrepreneurship. (December 14, 2020). https://documents.exchange/entrepreneurship/ Reviewed on 16:41, March 6 2025