Emotional Development PPT

Content. Introduction. Glossary. Emotional development. Major emotional stages in childhood development. Basic emotions. Combining emotions. Infancy. Development of basic emotions. Positive emotions, smiles. Negative emotions. Complex emotions. Self awareness. Identifying emotions. School age children and adolescence. Attachment - emotional connection. Emotional development delays. Summary. Questions for the audience. Bibliography.
Introduction. Glossary. Emotional development. Basic emotions. Combining emotions. Infancy. Development of basic emotions. Positive emotions. Smiles.
Negative Emotions. Complex emotions. Self awareness. Identifying Emotions. School age children and adolescence. Attachment emotional connection. Emotional development delays. Summary. Bibliography.
Combining to mix together so as to make or to seem one thing. Distress extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. Vigorous strong, healthy, and full of energy. Self awareness conscious knowledge of one's own character and feelings. Consciousness the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings. Comprehend grasp mentally; understand. Rationalize attempt to explain or justify (behaviour or an attitude) with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate.
Infancy development of basic emotions.
Infants experience only two general emotions: Pleasure; Distress. By 9 months infants are able to experience all basic emotions.
By 6 weeks the social smile appears. By 7 months, smiles toward people, encouraging interaction and bonding. Laughing: By 3 to 4 months during activities (i.e., playing) By age 1 response to unexpected events. By age 2, in response to their own behavior or attempting to make others laugh.
Newborns: hunger, pain, overstimulation, anger, sadness. 2 months: visible facial expression fear and/or distress.
School age children begin developing emotional coping skills even if those skills are at very basic levels. example.
What you can do treatment; work; medication; therapy.
Why is emotional development important? What are three critical stages of emotional development? Very young infants have no sense of self. It is theorized that for the first 13 months, infants see themselves as part of their mothers. Is this sentence correct? Do adolescents have all their emotions fully develop? Emotional development affects all development. Is this true?
- Education Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 19212 KB
- 2022 m.
- English
- 29 pages (1076 words)
- College
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