Effects Of Aerobic Exercise Program On Body Composition Indicators And Peculiarities Of Nutrition

Santrauka. Summary. Abbreviations. Introduction. Literature review. Nutrition effect for human body and health. Restricted diet advantages. Effect of diet to body composition. Research methodology and organisation. Exploratories. Exploratories contingent. Methods of research. Measurement of body composition indicators. Energy of food intake and consumed food ingridients evaluation. Statistical methods of data processing. Research results. Body composition indicators. Work and rest days energy and nutrients indicators. Discussion. Conclusion. References.

The goal of tasks. To find the nutrition peculiarities of participants, also to find effects of aerobic exercise for the body composition parameters over 2 months.

To evaluate body composition indicators ( body mass, BMI, BMR, body fat ,biceps subcutaneous fatty wrinkle, triceps subcutaneous fatty wrinkle, sub scapular, supra iliac, amount of wrinkles), before and after aerobic program which lasted 2 months.

To analyse and to evaluate the actual diet of participants, also to compare it with the recommended rates.

1. Our researchers in experimental and control groups body composition indicators (basal metabolic rate, body fat, biceps subcutaneous fatty wrinkle, triceps subcutaneous fatty wrinkle, sub scapular, supra iliac, amount of wrinkles) comparing the results before and after 2 months of aerobic exercise programs did not change statistically (p>0.05). Actually, body composition indicators (body weight and body mass index (BMI) after 2 months, the aerobic exercise program body composition indicators decreased and was statistically significant (p <0.05).

  • Medicine Graduate works
  • Microsoft Word 346 KB
  • 2018 m.
  • English
  • 45 pages (9384 words)
  • University
  • Kornelija
  • Effects of aerobic exercise program on body composition indicators and peculiarities of nutrition
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Effects of aerobic exercise program on body composition indicators and peculiarities of nutrition. (December 10, 2018). https://documents.exchange/effects-of-aerobic-exercise-program-on-body-composition-indicators-and-peculiarities-of-nutrition/ Reviewed on 14:07, March 6 2025