Education (14)

410 documents
Georgetown University and University of Manchester. Georgetown University is a private research university in Washington. Georgetown University offers undergraduate degrees in forty-eight majors in the four undergraduate schools. Academics. ...
Education, 22 pages
2016 11 14
Importance of education
First of all, the biggest reason why people should study abroad is the opportunity to see the world. By studying abroad young people find new outlooks, customs and culture. As a result, getting education in foreign country helps students (to) ...
Education, 1 page
2017 03 28
Life is a game that educates us every day
All are experienced victories and defeats , and for all their lies invaluable information . Many frustrated with themselves , just spit on everything and continue drifting , but a person who wants to grow and live a successful life after each ...
Education, 1 page
2015 05 13
Mexico school
Mexico school. 2014-05. Melanija Kozelyte. The school year in Mexico runs from September to June. Mexico high school. In each classroom, there are about 30 students who must share three computers. A Day in the Life of a Mexican Student. Our ...
Education, 9 pages
2016 04 14
Mind Battle about Lithuania
Mind Battle. Lithuanian flag colours from up to down? Capital of Lithuania? Lithuanian currency? Traditional food? The most popular sport in Lithuania? The longest river in Lithuania? People population in Lithuania? Who is he? Who is she? What ...
Education, 11 pages
2015 05 10
My new school
As each class has its own educators, I think that our educators are the best. she cares about us as a family. I think our gymnasium is designed not only to teach but also to develop good qualities. Each year, the school has organized events. ...
Education, 1 page
2016 11 13
Nowadays it is more difficult for children to concentrate or pay attention in school
Nowadays it is more difficult for children to concentrate or pay attention in school.
Education, 1 page
2016 03 22
Online learning
Nowadays more and more people are using computers ant telephones. They watch films, communicate with friends or read news. Internet can even help us to learn some things. Online learning turns out to be more and more practiced. So what are the ...
Education, 1 page
2017 02 26
Practise in Greece
Practice in Greece. Some facts about Greece. Greece is a. Sani beach hotel. Resplendent above the azure waters of the breathtaking Cape Sani. Sani beach hotel beach & pools. Enjoy the pleasure of two exclusive beaches. My practice. Home sweet ...
Education, 10 pages
2015 05 08
Primary education in Belarus
Primary education in Belarus. Prepared by //////. School education in Belarus. Primary (4 classes). Children receive primary education between the ages of 6 to. They have two official languages Russian and Belarusian. The school year begins ...
Education, 14 pages
2017 01 24
S. Šalkauskis gymnasium
Šiauliai. Šiauliai has just celebrated its 778th birthday. Šiauliai. Šiauliai City is. Places near school. Chaimas Frenkelis Villa is functioning as a historical cultural centre. Talkša Lake is situated almost in the heart of the city. St. ...
Education, 29 pages
2017 04 04
Should cell phone use be allowed in the classroom?
Should cell phone use be allowed in the classroom?
Education, 1 page
2017 03 13
Should Physical Educat Be Obligatory at School?
Should Physical Educat Be Obligatory at School?.
Education, 1 page
2016 12 28
Some people thinks about homeschool for their children How useful is learn in home? It is good or bad option?
Some people thinks about homeschool for their children How useful is learn in home? It is good or bad option?
Education, 1 page
2017 03 12
Student's daily routine
Student’s daily routine. Wake up. Brush teeth. Have breakfast. Go to school. Start lesson. Activities. Play basketball. Dance. Sing. Do homework. Free time. Watch tv. Read book. Listen music. Go to bed. Thank you for your attention.
Education, 13 pages
2015 10 21
Styles of learning
Styles of learning. Styles of learning video. Style types. Visual learners- they learn best by looking at graphics. Visual Learners See Visual learners learn best by looking at graphics. Kinesthetic Learners Touch Kinesthetic learners process ...
Education, 20 pages
2016 11 17
Teaching literature: some hints for new and experienced teachers
Teaching literature: some hints for new and experienced teachers.
Education, 4 pages
2021 04 10
Theory and practice
Theory and practice. What is theory ? First of all. Famous theories. Astronomy Big bang theory. Astronomy Big bang theory Mathematics Chaos theory. Astronomy Big bang theory Mathematics Chaos theory Physisc Relativity theory. What is practice ? ...
Education, 18 pages
2015 08 22
Vilniaus kolegija University of Applied Sciences And Management of cultural activittes
University of Applied Sciences And Management of cultural activittes Katriele Griciunaite. Contents. Founded 1 st September 2000. Second most popular highschool after Vilniaus university. Faculties Electronics and Informatics Economics Business. ...
Education, 10 pages
2016 10 19
Vilnius kolegija University of Applied Sciences
It provides higher professional education in the sectors of Tourism. Founded in 2000, now VIKO has more than 7100 students (Oct. Faculty of Electronics and Informatics. Faculty of Economics. Faculty of Business Management. Faculty of Health Care. ...
Education, 19 pages
2017 04 23
Ways to make learning more interesting
Everyone has to study. It's must for your proper education. And the more you study, the closer you'll get to your dream job. And the better job you have the more money you have. I know that life isn‘t all about the money, but money makes you ...
Education, 1 page
2016 02 23
Why is education important?
The famous South African activist Nelson Mandela had said that education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. And he was right. No one can do amazing things before actually learning them. And that is the reason why ...
Education, 1 page
2017 05 14