Economy & Finance (12)

337 documents
Reverse mortgage
Reverse mortgage. Introduction. Concept Characteristics Interest rates Requirements Taxes and insurance. Concept. A reverse mortgage is also known as home equity conversion mortgage. Characteristics. Monthly payments are. Interests. Fixed or ...
Economy & Finance, 14 pages
2016 11 12
Spendings and Finances of teenagers
SpendingS and Finances of teenagers. People generally do not like to talk about their finances. The Psychology of Finances. Need to. Common mistakes teenagers. Make. Statistics. Average spending of male. Average spending of female. Comparison ...
Economy & Finance, 8 pages
2017 03 01
The European Investment Bank
The European Investment Bank. Prepared by Tomas Venclovas. 11/28/. History  Mission and Strategy Major projects. History of eib. Designed and built by Ingenhoven Architects. Strategy. To finance viable capital projects which further EU ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2016 11 28
The history of money presentation
The history of money. What is money? Bartering. Barter is the exchange of a good or service for another good or service. Commodity Money. A commodity is a basic item used by almost everyone. Coins. When? 5000 B. Paper Money. When? 10th-15th ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2017 04 25
Traditional and modern banking presentation
Traditional and modern banking. Presentation was made by. Introduction. Banking can be. Types of banking. Traditional banking traditional banks offer a brick-and-mortar venue close to their home or workplace. Advantages of traditional banking. ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2016 11 20
US economy
An Outline. of the. U. S. Economy. By Guoda Krasauskyte Ecfu. History of u. s. economy. In 20th century due the cold war and II world war. “Free market”. America considered that. America defend a free economy where the government don´t ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2016 05 02
World economy
What caused the crisis? What is the Washington Consensus? The Post-Washington Consensus Era New Hope for Economists? The Euro Advantages and Disadvantages Of A Single Currency. Economic Growth and Inequality The New Post-Washington Consensus. ...
Economy & Finance, 18 pages
2016 04 11