Economy And Management Of Postal Service

Introduction. Requirements For The Quality in Lithuania. Services Provided by Univeral Postal Services in Lithuania. Responsibilities Of The Provider Of Universal Postal Service. Compensation For The Losses Of Universal Postal Services. Revenue. Net Costs of Universal Services Provider.
Losses in the provision of the universal postal service may be compensated only for a portion of the universal postal service, which the Provider provided during the entire previous financial year applying the tariffs that are not lower than the highest tariffs of the universal postal service approved by the Communications Regulatory Authority
17. The Ministry of Transport and Communications shall, within 10 working days adopt the decision regarding:
17.1. the compensation of losses incurred in the provision of the universal postal service:
17.2. the revision of the characteristics of the Provider’s postal network and/or the quality requirements of the universal postal service.
The Provider must calculate the losses incurred in the provision of the Service according to the following formula:
Ri – total revenues from the provision of a particular Service during the reporting period, which were earned by the Provider;
(RPi + RENi) – revenues from the provision of a particular Service during the reporting period, which the Provider would earn even if the Provider was not obliged to provide it;
RPi – revenues received from the Service provided in a profitable location during the reporting period;
RENi – revenues received from the Service provided in an economically beneficial location during the reporting period;
Ci – total costs of the provision of the specific Service during the reporting period, which were incurred by the Provider;
(CPi + CENi) – costs incurred from the provision of the specific Service during the reporting period, which the Provider would incur if the Provider was not obliged to do so.
- Economy & Finance Individual works
- Microsoft Word 460 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 13 pages (1587 words)
- University
- Alvydas